layerinfo "type" = "layout"; layerinfo "name" = "Variable Flow"; layerinfo "author_name" = "Martin Atkins"; layerinfo "des" = "A really simple layout that you can customize like crazy!"; layerinfo "redist_uniq" = "variableflow/layout"; layerinfo "previews" = "variableflow/preview.jpg"; # Originally known as "Cleanly Shaven" # # This layout is full of customization options, and is designed # with code overrides in mind. # It also uses meaningful markup an CSS, for those who like that # sort of thing. If you like, you can override the stylesheet # completely in your user layer to drastically change the # presentation. propgroup colors { property Color clr_margin { des = "Page Background Color"; } property Color clr_line { des = "Color of line separating the entry area from the background"; requires = "opt_page_border"; } property Color clr_back { des = "Background Color of Main Content Area"; requires = "opt_page_background"; } property Color clr_text { des = "Main Text Color"; } property Color clr_link { des = "Color of normal links"; } property Color clr_vlink { des = "Color of visited links"; } property Color clr_alink { des = "Color of links once clicked on"; } property Color clr_title { des = "Journal Title Color"; } set clr_margin = "#337CCD"; set clr_line = "#000000"; set clr_back = "#33ABCD"; set clr_text = "#000000"; set clr_link = "#261A72"; set clr_vlink = "#190F57"; set clr_alink = "#261A72"; set clr_title = "#190F57"; } propgroup layout { property string margin_left { des = "Page Left Margin Size"; values = "0|None|5px|Tiny|5%|Small|10%|Medium|25%|Large|50%|Massive"; } property string margin_right { des = "Page Right Margin Size"; values = "0|None|5px|Tiny|5%|Small|10%|Medium|25%|Large|50%|Massive"; } property string margin_top { des = "Page Top Margin Size"; values = "0|None|5px|Tiny|5%|Small|10%|Medium|25%|Large|50%|Massive"; } property string margin_bottom { des = "Page Bottom Margin Size"; values = "0|None|5px|Tiny|5%|Small|10%|Medium|25%|Large|50%|Massive"; } set margin_left = "25%"; set margin_right = "25%"; set margin_top = "5px"; set margin_bottom = "5px"; property string padding_left { des = "Page Left Inner Padding Size"; values = "0|None|5px|Tiny|5%|Small|10%|Medium|25%|Large|50%|Massive"; } property string padding_right { des = "Page Right Inner Padding Size"; values = "0|None|5px|Tiny|5%|Small|10%|Medium|25%|Large|50%|Massive"; } property string padding_top { des = "Page Top Inner Padding Size"; values = "0|None|5px|Tiny|5%|Small|10%|Medium|25%|Large|50%|Massive"; } property string padding_bottom { des = "Page Bottom Inner Padding Size"; values = "0|None|5px|Tiny|5%|Small|10%|Medium|25%|Large|50%|Massive"; } set padding_left = "5px"; set padding_right = "5px"; set padding_top = "5px"; set padding_bottom = "5px"; property string align_viewlinks { des = "Position of links to other journal views"; values = "left|Left|right|Right|center|Center"; } property string align_title { des = "Position of journal title"; values = "left|Left|right|Right|center|Center"; } property string align_talklinks { des = "Position of comment links"; values = "left|Left|right|Right|center|Center"; } set align_viewlinks = "right"; set align_title = "left"; set align_talklinks = "right"; # Some "advanced" settings which don't appear in the UI, # either because they have non-obvious interactions with # other properties or they have issues in certain browsers. property string adv_page_max_width { des = "Maximum Width of Content Area"; note = "If you set this, you should also set margin_left and/or margin_right to 'auto'. Internet Explorer 6 does not support this property."; noui = 1; } property string adv_entry_max_width { des = "Maximum Width of Entry Text"; note = "Internet Explorer 6 does not support this property, and will present entries full-width."; noui = 1; } property bool adv_enable_print_styles { des = "Enable Print Stylesheet"; note = "If you disable this, your journal views may be unsuitable for printing."; noui = 1; } property bool adv_enable_projection_styles { des = "Enable Projection Stylesheet"; note = "With this enabled, browsers which support projection stylesheets will see a different stylesheet."; noui = 1; } property bool adv_horrible_userpic_markup { des = "Enable horrible userpic markup"; note = "With this enabled, the layout will use a table hack to present userpics. With it disabled, the userpics will just be shown raw with class userpic. You'll have to add your own stylesheet rules for them."; # See the comment within Page::print_entry for more details noui = 1; } set adv_page_max_width = ""; set adv_entry_max_width = ""; set adv_enable_print_styles = true; set adv_enable_projection_styles = true; set adv_horrible_userpic_markup = true; } propgroup presentation { property use font_base; property use font_fallback; property string font_size { des = "Size of text"; values = "0.75em|Tiny|1em|Normal|1.1em|Large"; } set font_size = "0.75em"; property bool opt_page_border { des = "Draw Line Around Content Box"; note = "With this disabled, the line color option has no effect"; } property bool opt_page_background { des = "Content Box has Background"; note = "With this disabled, the Content Box Background Color and Image options have no effect and the page background will show through instead."; } set opt_page_border = true; set opt_page_background = true; property string url_background_img_page { des = "Page Background Image URL"; note = "Leave this blank if you do not wish to use a background image."; palimg_transform = "tint;*clr_back"; # Doesn't do anything right now } set url_background_img_page = ""; property string background_properties_page { des = "Page Background Image Display Options"; values = "scroll|Scrolling, Tiled|scroll no-repeat|Scrolling, No repeat|scroll repeat-x|Scrolling, tile horizontally|scroll repeat-y|Scrolling, tile vertically|fixed|Fixed, Tiled|fixed no-repeat|Fixed, No repeat|fixed repeat-x|Fixed, tile horizontally|fixed repeat-y|Fixed, tile vertically"; requires = "url_background_img_page"; } set background_properties_page = "scroll"; property string background_position_page { des = "Page Background Position"; values = "center|Centered|center left|Centered Vertically, Left|center right|Centered Vertically, Right|top center|Top, Centered Horizontally|top left|Top, Left|top right|Top, Right|bottom center|Bottom, Centered Horizontally|bottom left|Bottom, Left|bottom right|Bottom, Right"; requires = "url_background_img_page"; } set background_position_page = "top left"; property string url_background_img_box { des = "Content Box Background Image URL"; note = "Leave this blank if you do not wish to use a background image."; palimg_transform = "tint;*clr_back"; # Doesn't do anything right now requires = "opt_page_background"; } set url_background_img_box = ""; property string background_properties_box { des = "Content Box Background Image Display Options"; values = "scroll|Scrolling, Tiled|scroll no-repeat|Scrolling, No repeat|scroll repeat-x|Scrolling, tile horizontally|scroll repeat-y|Scrolling, tile vertically|fixed|Fixed, Tiled|fixed no-repeat|Fixed, No repeat|fixed repeat-x|Fixed, tile horizontally|fixed repeat-y|Fixed, tile vertically"; requires = "opt_page_background,url_background_img_box"; } set background_properties_box = "scroll"; property string background_position_box { des = "Content Box Background Position"; values = "center|Centered|center left|Centered Vertically, Left|center right|Centered Vertically, Right|top center|Top, Centered Horizontally|top left|Top, Left|top right|Top, Right|bottom center|Bottom, Centered Horizontally|bottom left|Bottom, Left|bottom right|Bottom, Right"; requires = "opt_page_background,url_background_img_box"; } set background_position_box = "top left"; property bool opt_entry_userpics { des = "Enable Userpics On Entries"; note = "With this disabled, no entries will show userpics, even on the friends page."; } set opt_entry_userpics = true; property bool opt_own_userpics { des = "Show Own Userpics"; note = "Enable this to show userpics on your own entries. You must also have the previous option enabled. This option has no effect on community journals."; requires = "opt_entry_userpics"; } set opt_own_userpics = false; # This layout has quite a big stylesheet so let's avoid # transferring it over and over. set external_stylesheet = true; # No good support for EntryPage/ReplyPage yet set view_entry_disabled = true; } propgroup options { # Some standard constructional properties property use page_recent_items; property use page_friends_items; property use page_year_sortorder; property use page_day_sortorder; # Tell the system this layout has no linklist support # If you add linklist support in a user layer, you should also # set this property to true in your layer. set linklist_support = false; } propgroup text { property use text_post_comment; property use text_read_comments; property use text_post_comment_friends; property use text_read_comments_friends; } function makefontspec() : string "Forms a CSS 'font-family' value based on the font-related properties." { var string fontspec; if ($*font_base != "") { $fontspec="\""+$*font_base+"\""; if ($*font_fallback != "") { $fontspec=$fontspec+","; } } $fontspec=$fontspec+$*font_fallback; return $fontspec; } function Page::lay_print_viewlinks() "If you override this, be sure to still use foreach or your style won't support any future views." { # Output a list of textual links in a particular order var bool first = true; "\n"; } function Page::lay_print_heading() "This can be overridden to change the main page titles to something else." { """


"""; if ($.view == "recent" and $.global_subtitle != "") { print $.global_subtitle; } else { print $this->view_title(); } println """
"""; } function Page::print() { """ """+$this->title()+""" """; if ($*external_stylesheet) { println """"""; } else { println """"""; } $this->print_head(); """
"""; $this->lay_print_viewlinks(); """
"""; $this->lay_print_heading(); """
"""; $this->print_body(); """
"""; server_sig(); """
"""; } function lang_skipped_back(RecentNav nav) : string "Return short text saying how many entries have been skipped back. i18n layers should override this." { return "Skipped Back $nav.skip"; } ## The properties for these links are currently broken ## in core - they were never updated to work with lang_map_plural. # So, FIXME: When core does them right, remove the hardcoded English function RecentPage::lay_print_skiplinks() { if ($.nav.backward_url != "" or $.nav.forward_url != "") { println """"; } } function RecentPage::print_body() { $this->lay_print_skiplinks(); foreach var Entry e ($.entries) { if ($e.new_day) { """
date_format("%%yyyy%%%%mm%%%%dd%%")+"\">\n"; } # Print the entry $this->print_entry($e); if ($e.end_day) { "
"; } } if (size $.entries > 0) { $this->lay_print_skiplinks(); } } function DayPage::print_body() { """"; if ($.has_entries) { "
\n"; foreach var Entry e ($.entries) { $this->print_entry($e); } "
"; "
\n"; "$*text_day_prev - "; "$*text_day_next\n
"; } else { "


"; } } ## YearPage Stuff function YearPage::print_body { $this->print_year_links(); println """
"""; foreach var YearMonth m ($.months) { $this->print_month($m); } println "
"; } function YearPage::print_year_links() { """\n"""; } function YearPage::print_month(YearMonth m) { if (not $m.has_entries) { return; } """\n \n"""; foreach var int d (weekdays()) { "\n"; } "\n"; foreach var YearWeek w ($m.weeks) { $w->print(); } """\n"""; "
"""; print "


\n"; """
"; } function YearWeek::print() { """\n"""; if ($.pre_empty > 0) { """ \n"""; } foreach var YearDay d ($.days) { """\n"""; """
\n"""; if ($d.num_entries > 0) { """
\n"""; } """\n"""; } if ($.post_empty > 0) { """ \n"""; } ""; } function metadata_title(string which) : string "Until core provides a function for this, i18n layers should override this." { if ($which == "music") { return "Current Music"; } elseif ($which == "mood") { return "Current Mood"; } else { return $which; } } # Since there's currently no trusted print_entry_text function # in core, I have to do this here. Later, when something similar # is added to core, this can become a wrapper and be deprecated. function Page::lay_print_entry_text(Entry e) [fixed] "Don't override this. All it does is print the entry text." { print $e.text; } # Since the metadata keys have to be hardcoded (bad core design) # let's separate this out so people can override print_entry # and still get any new metadata added later. function Page::lay_print_entry_metadata(Entry e) "Overriding this is strongly discouraged, since if any new entry metadata is added in the future your overridden version will not support it." { if (size $e.metadata > 0) { # This is horrible and unextensible. We have core to thank. # C'est la vie. "
\n"; if ($e.metadata{"music"} != "") { """
"""+metadata_title("music") + ": " + $e.metadata{"music"}+"
\n"; } if ($e.metadata{"mood"} != "") { """
"""+metadata_title("mood") + ": "; if (defined $e.mood_icon) { print $e.mood_icon->as_string()+" "; } print $e.metadata{"mood"}+"
\n"; } "
\n"; } } function Page::print_entry(Entry e) { """
\n"""; var bool altposter = $e.poster.username != $e.journal.username; var bool showpic = $*opt_entry_userpics and (($.view == "friends" or $altposter) or $*opt_own_userpics); # By default, this layout uses an ugly table hack to present the userpic # alongside the entry. This is because I've been bitten on many previous # occasions by a bug with floats in IE causing text to vanish in certain # cases. You can set the property adv_horrible_userpic_markup to false # in a user layer to disable this behavior, but there are no CSS rules # in the stock stylesheet to handle it, so you'll have to supply your # own. if ($showpic) { if ($*adv_horrible_userpic_markup) { """
"""; } if (defined $e.userpic) { println """"""; } else { if ($*adv_horrible_userpic_markup) { print " "; } } if ($*adv_horrible_userpic_markup) { ""; } } """

"""; if ($.view != "day") { print $e.time->date_format()+" "; } print $e.time->time_format(); if ($.view == "friends") { " - "; $this->print_entry_poster($e); } elseif ($altposter) { " - " + $e.poster->as_string(); } if ($ != "") { " - " + $e.security_icon->as_string(); } if ($e.subject != "") { " - $e.subject"; } "

\n"; $this->lay_print_entry_text($e); $this->lay_print_entry_metadata($e); if ($showpic and $*adv_horrible_userpic_markup) { "
"; } $e.comments->print(); "
"; } function CommentInfo::print { if (not $.enabled) { return; } """"; } function EntryPage::print_comment (Comment c) { var Color barlight = $*color_comment_bar->clone(); $barlight->lightness(($barlight->lightness() + 255) / 2); var string poster = defined $c.poster ? $c.poster->as_string() : "(Anonymous)"; "
"; ""; if (defined $c.userpic and $*comment_userpic_style != "off") { var int w = $c.userpic.width; var int h = $c.userpic.height; # WARNING: this will later be done by the system (it'll be a # constructional property), so don't copy this hack into your # layout layers or you'll be messed up later. $w = $w / 2; $h = $h / 2; print ""; } "
"; if (defined $c.subject_icon or $c.subject != "") { "

$c.subject_icon $c.subject

\n"; } print "$*text_comment_from $poster
\n"; print "$*text_comment_date "; print $c.time->date_format("long") + " - " + $c.time->time_format(); if ($c.metadata{"poster_ip"}) { print " ($*text_comment_ipaddr " + $c.metadata{"poster_ip"} + ")"; } print " ($*text_permalink)\n"; var Link link; foreach var string s (["delete_comment", "screen_comment", "unscreen_comment"]) { } $link = $c->get_link("delete_comment"); " $link"; $link = $c->get_link("screen_comment"); " $link"; $link = $c->get_link("unscreen_comment"); " $link"; if ($this.multiform_on) { " "; $c->print_multiform_check(); } print "
"; print "
\n"; print "
($*text_comment_reply) "; if ($c.parent_url != "") { "($*text_comment_parent) "; } if ($c.thread_url != "") { "($*text_comment_thread) "; } "
\n"; } function css_rule_if_set(string prop, string val) "Print a CSS rule only if val is not an empty string." { if ($val != "") { println " $prop: $val;"; } } function custom_stylesheet() "Override this in your user layer to add new stuff to the stylesheet" { # None, by default } function print_stylesheet_for_printing() "If you have printing styles enabled, you can override this function to change how the page is styled for printing." { """ body, #page, a, a:link, a:visited, a:active, a:hover, #title, h2 { background: #ffffff; color: #000000; } body { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; font-size: 12pt; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: "Garamond", "Palatino", "Palatino Linotype", serif; max-width: 15cm; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, #title #viewtitle { font-family: "Frutiger", "Frutiger Linotype", "Helvetica", sans-serif; page-break-after: avoid; } .entry { page-break-inside: avoid; text-align: justify; } .calendarmonth { page-break-inside: avoid; } #page { border: 0; margin: 0; } .navbar, .entryextra, .viewspecnavbar { display: none; } #title { display: block; } #title h1, #title #viewtitle { display: inline; } #title #viewtitle { margin-left: 2em; font-style: italic; } """; } function print_stylesheet_for_projection() "If you have projection styles enabled, you can override this function to change how the page is styled for projection." { var string background_body = $*clr_margin; if ($*url_background_img_page != "" and not $*url_background_img_page->contains(")")) { $background_body = $background_body + " url($*url_background_img_page)"; if (not $*background_properties_page->contains(";")) { $background_body = $background_body + " $*background_properties_page"; } } else { $background_body = $background_body + " none"; } var string background_page = $*clr_back; if ($*url_background_img_box != "" and not $*url_background_img_box->contains(")")) { $background_page = $background_page + " url($*url_background_img_box)"; if (not $*background_properties_box->contains(";")) { $background_page = $background_page + " $*background_properties_box"; } } else { $background_page = $background_page + " none"; } """ #page { margin: 10px; padding: 0; border: 0; font-size: 2em; } body { background: $background_body; color: $*clr_text; } .navbar, .viewspecnavbar { display: none; } .entry, #title { page-break-after: always; margin: auto; padding: 10px; position: absolute; top: 10px; bottom: 10px; left: 10px; right: 10px; """; if ($*opt_page_border) { println """ border: 1px solid $*clr_line;"""; } if ($*opt_page_background) { println """ background: $background_page;"""; } " }\n"; } function print_stylesheet() { var string fontspec=makefontspec(); if ($fontspec != "") { $fontspec=" font-family: $fontspec;"; } var string eextrastyle=""; if ($*align_talklinks != "right") { $eextrastyle=$eextrastyle+ """.entryextra:after { content: " :."; }\n"""; } if ($*align_talklinks != "left") { $eextrastyle=$eextrastyle+ """.entryextra:before { content: ".: "; }\n"""; } $eextrastyle=$eextrastyle+ """.entryextra { text-align: $*align_talklinks; font-size: 0.9em; }"""; # This tries to do a bit of "sanity" checking to ensure users # don't inadvertently break the CSS, but it's not brilliant. var string background_body = $*clr_margin; if ($*url_background_img_page != "" and not $*url_background_img_page->contains(")")) { $background_body = $background_body + " url($*url_background_img_page)"; if (not $*background_properties_page->contains(";")) { $background_body = $background_body + " $*background_properties_page"; } if (not $*background_position_page->contains(";")) { $background_body = $background_body + " $*background_position_page"; } } else { $background_body = $background_body + " none"; } var string background_page = $*clr_back; if ($*url_background_img_box != "" and not $*url_background_img_box->contains(")")) { $background_page = $background_page + " url($*url_background_img_box)"; if (not $*background_properties_box->contains(";")) { $background_page = $background_page + " $*background_properties_box"; } if (not $*background_position_box->contains(";")) { $background_page = $background_page + " $*background_position_box"; } } else { $background_page = $background_page + " none"; } """ body { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; background: $background_body; color: $*clr_text; $fontspec font-size: $*font_size; } table, tr, td, th { font-size: 1em; } #page { """; css_rule_if_set("margin-left", $*margin_left); css_rule_if_set("margin-right", $*margin_right); css_rule_if_set("margin-top", $*margin_top); css_rule_if_set("margin-bottom", $*margin_bottom); css_rule_if_set("padding-left", $*padding_left); css_rule_if_set("padding-right", $*padding_right); css_rule_if_set("padding-top", $*padding_top); css_rule_if_set("padding-bottom", $*padding_bottom); css_rule_if_set("max-width", $*adv_page_max_width); if ($*opt_page_border) { println """ border: 1px solid $*clr_line;"""; } if ($*opt_page_background) { println """ background: $background_page;"""; } """ } #title h1 { font-size: 1.4em; font-weight: bold; text-align: $*align_title; margin: 0; } #title #viewtitle { font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: bold; text-align: $*align_title; margin: 0; } .navbar { text-align: $*align_viewlinks; list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; display: block; } .viewspecnavbar { text-align: center; list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; display: block; margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; } .navbar li { display: inline; white-space: nowrap; } .navbar { display: inline; } .navbar li:before { content: " :: "; } .navbar li:first-child:before { content: ""; } .viewspecnavbar li { display: inline; white-space: nowrap; } .viewspecnavbar { display: inline; } .viewspecnavbar li:before { content: " :: "; } .viewspecnavbar li:first-child:before { content: ""; } #title { margin-top: 3em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; color: $*clr_title; background: transparent; } a:link { color: $*clr_link; background: transparent; } a:visited { color: $*clr_vlink; background: transparent; } a:active, a:hover { color: $*clr_alink; background: transparent; } .entry { margin-bottom: 4em; } .entryheading { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.0em; } .entrytext { """; css_rule_if_set("max-width", $*adv_entry_max_width); """ margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .entry .metadata { margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } .entryextra { list-style: none; padding: 0; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; display: block; } .entryextra li { display: inline; } .entryextra li.entryreadlink:after { content: " :: "; } .entryextra li.entryreadlink { font-weight: bold; } $eextrastyle /* IE hack - center the block with text-align! */ .calendarmonthcontainer { text-align: center; } .calendarmonth { margin-top: 2em; margin-bottom: 2em; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: left; } .calendarmonth h2 { font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; } .calendarday { width: 3em; max-width: 3em; height: 3em; } """; if ($*adv_enable_print_styles) { """ @media print { """; print_stylesheet_for_printing(); """ } """; } if ($*adv_enable_projection_styles) { """ @media projection { """; print_stylesheet_for_projection(); """ } """; } custom_stylesheet(); }