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К предидущиму посту [Nov. 29th, 2007|03:10 pm]
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Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:12 am

Peaceful Sky

Translucent washed-out blue, lit by dying daylight, streaked with smoke-purple clouds, blushed apricot-gold by the setting sun. Trees are scratchy shadowed twigs, leafless against the sky, and the earth glistens with rain.

We made stew yesterday. It was tasty! yaaaaay, beef and onions and carrots and celery and potatos. Good food! The pouring rain outside added a nice, cozy flavor.

Earlier, Hamstres and I failed at shopping. The only thing keeping it from being an epic fail was that we managed to catch the bus there and back with no long waits. >_< We got See's chocolate to console ourselves, and to try to convince ourselves that we hadn't just wasted our time.
[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:13 am

Now what?


That’s it? The best we can do is some other life? Is this really just fire insurance? Is this our message to the world? That’s despair. No wonder we have to use words like relevant, the message is all about another world.

Rob Bell

Now what?

Why have I given my blog that title? Because that's really the way I have felt spiritually for the last year or so. Previously, the title was Opening the Door, a reference to The Door, an experimental service that I helped lead at Heartsong Methodist Church. You can hit old entries in my blog and read all about that, and why it was time to end it. In summary: square peg in a round hole, lack of a full-time person running it, etc. Since then, and even before then, I've been wandering in the wilderness, waiting for God to lead me in a new direction, hence the title, "Now what?"

I feel like the whole point of that time, and the time I spend leading worship at Crossway Church (Wesleyan) in Madison, MS was God preparing me for something new. One new thing that came out of it all was beginning to lead programs at Senior High Summer Camps at Camp Sumatanga, but that's one week a year, one fulfilling spiritual experience a year, is hardly enough.

There are churches out there, sure, but I guess what I'm looking for is a place where I fit in. That's what my camp experience was all about, and one of the reasons I still love it. The Gospel has so many layers to it, it's not just about fire insurance, it's about the renewal and reconciliation of all things in Christ. In a lot of places, it is mostly fire insurance with an escapism doctrine.

Currently, we are in a Sunday School class at Collierville United Methodist Church. We decided that we needed to plant some roots and meet some people. I'm actually teaching a lesson right now on eschatology, which is fun for me. It's not my gift, but I enjoy it. I'm about to whip out the preterist view this weekend. Looking forward to hearing the reaction to it.

There are a couple of interesting churches I would like to check out, but sometimes I'm a little afraid of the theology that I'll run into. I guess the whole baptism debacle [ see Baptism Debacle from May 2004 ] from a few years ago has left me a little gunshy. And then there's the distance. There's a church in Southaven that sounds interesting, but it's about 40 minutes away.

All that said, my ultimate goal is to be a part of the founding of a new church, a place where I can use my talents and skills and give of my time and money. Camille and Laura both said that they could see me going into seminary...maybe. I haven't ever given that really serious thought. I don't see myself as a teaching pastor, more as a minister of creative arts.

So from time to time I google "church plant collierville," "church plant memphis," "emerging church collierville," and "emerging church memphis" just to see what I can find, which is pretty much nothing so far, save for a new church plant from the Vineyard church, which I will keep an eye on. I have an open mind on spiritual gifts, but it would be a hard sell for Jamie. Part of the reason for posting this is just to get those search phrases pointing to my site from Google. Maybe some others out there are interested in forming a new church for the Germantown/Collierville area. Contact me if you find me.

The Memphis Conference of the United Methodist Church actually has a posting on their site seeking pastors who are interested in planting new congregations in the conference, which is exciting. Compared to the North Alabama Conference, this conference is less progressive. The only non-traditional church out there is Heartsong, but they are very much a seeker-friendly, boomer church. They do a great job of reaching a certain group, but I'm very much inspired by Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids, MI. Check out their websi

[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:14 am

Express Vending Launch Personalised Vending Machines

Vending solution provider Express Vending is helping UK businesses to express their own corporate image with a unique personalisation service across a range of vending machines at no extra cost.
Designed to bring coffee, cold drink, snack & food vending solutions more closely in line with the overall corporate image, personalised machine graphics from Express Vending can be applied to specific focal points such as centre panels or cover the entire machine.
Max Kemp, Business Development Manager of Express Vending, said: “More and more of our customers are interested in getting the look of their vending machines to tie in with their corporate image in order to enhance their brand. It adds even more value when incorporating a refreshment solution into the workplace”
Clients already taking advantage of the option to personalise their refreshment stations include Audi and Amnesty International. Branded with company logos and coloured panels designed to reflect corporate identity, a personalised vending machine is a unique refreshment solution whatever the type or size of business.
The graphic service from Express Vending includes a free design option, meaning machines can be individually branded to reflect key company messages or standardised across the range. Rather than standing as a static addition to the workplace, personalised vending machines from Express Vending can be designed and re-designed to reflect changing company promotions, key brands and core marketing messages.
Find out more at www.expressvending.co.uk
About Express Vending
Founded in 1992, Express Vending caters for all tastes with a huge selection of refreshment machines including floor standing hot drinks machines, tabletop coffee machines, confectionary and snack vending, and water & cold drinks machines.
Tel: 0800 056 0333.
[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:14 am


The new Shins CD came with a sticker!

[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:14 am


надо было накидать немцам стохуев
[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:15 am


A list of the games I enjoy playing, because the favorites list on Neopets isn't nearly big enough. Includes the number of points necessary for maximum (1000np) payout.

Four Stars

Three Stars

Two stars

[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:16 am

a small welcoming.

All of my entries are set to "Friends Only".
If this is the only entry you can see, you're obviously not on my friends list.
So unless:

a) I don't know you
b) you honestly think we're close enough that I'll let you know everything that goes on in my life,

Don't Bother Adding Me.
Because I'll just deny it.

[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:16 am

New Semester, Quarter 3

Today I started out a new Quarter in the school year. So I have all new classes and they are as follows:

Art Foundations
Health 10
Algebra 1
English 10

Lets start out with Art, I have this class with alot of Freshman, and a few people who are in my grade, and a few who are Juniors. All in all, I like that class so far, though Mrs. Wells is really short and her room is uberly humongo, so it's hard to hear her talk sometimes cause she talks in the sofest voice too. Anyways, we did a bit of drawing warm-ups and I was in a drawing mood so that made me happy.

Then I had Health, I have this class with all people in my grade (hence the 10 after 'Health 10') The guy I kinda like is in that class XD and then Alex is in there with me, and DJ, and lots of other people I know but don't get along with all that greatly. Kuch(teacher) told us that we're going to be watching a movie sometime this quarter where a guy gets his chest cut open and you see all the internal organs and such, he said if anyone gets nausiated over that kinda thing talk to him the day before the movie and he wont make you watch it. So I think I'll do that, because I've always hated Health, I can't stand talking about the stuff we talk about, it makes me all quezzy and clammy. I know I'ma whimp but I don't care, I just don't like it!

After Health, I had Algebra, which I also have this class with alot of Freshman, and only 2 people in my grade. Again the guy I kinda like is in this class with me too XD so I get a double whammy lol, like I'll ever talk to him anyways cause of my shyness issues, anyways, getting off track there lol, we didn't do much of anything in Algebra, took notes and started Homework.

Then I had lunch, I think im going to skip over lunch, because it was really dumb and retarded and I was so mad I just don't want to explain it all on here, because it's so stupid.

After lunch I went to English. I have this class with Mrs. V, she's awesome, she lives in Wells, and her son is like really good friends with my cousin Sean and I've hung out with them a few times. So she knew me before the school year even started. SO that's kinda cool. Anyways we started a Native American writing thing in there and it's not due until Wednsday, but I finished it up just about an hour ago cause I have to work tomorrow night. (I have to work 3 days this week! Argh! lol) I dunno if I did the assignment right, so I'm going to ask her tomorrow and if I didn't I can quickly rephrase it when I get home after work. And ooooohhhh my goodness. I sit by the BLONDEST BLONDE EVER in English, she makes Blondes look smarter than heck. It's just annoying at how ditzy she is! But I guess I have to put up with it, other wise I do have a few friends in that class with me :) so that makes me happy.

Innywho, this is enough for now, till later. Byeee! ♥

[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:17 am

Позитивно! :))

  вот еще:
[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:17 am

[Sticky Post] Welcome!

Hi! You've somehow managed to stumble across my journal. I'm not entirely sure why you're here, but you're welcome nonetheless. If you're interested in reading my various ramblings and rants, then feel free to friend me. If you could leave me a comment in this post to let me know you've done so, that'd be great; in all likelihood, I'll friend you back, provided we have some things in common :)

If you're looking for my graphics and resources, then head on over to Imageretrographic. That's where I post everything graphics-related. I'll probably even start posting about my artwork there as well, provided I can be arsed enough to get the damn stuff scanned and online.

Other communities I moderate can be found in my user info.

Thanks for stopping by!
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 05:00 am
подписал, но только для себя
не думаю, что подпись может что то значить
[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 05:36 am
Да скорей всего.
На сайте всего 9 работ, остальные не получилось разместить?
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 06:03 am
я научился ставить правильный формат, но для порядка и полноты картины не хватает нескольких изображений, которые я не могу у себя найти. если не получится, залью как есть
[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 06:09 am