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Односторонний отказ от односторонних обязательств. [Nov. 30th, 2007|04:59 pm]
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Russia ratified the updated treaty in 2004, but the United States and other NATO members have refused to follow suit, saying Moscow first must fulfill obligations to withdraw forces from Georgia and from Moldova's separatist region of Trans-Dniester.
President Vladimir Putin on Friday signed a law suspending Russia's participation in the Conventional Forces in Europe treaty, the Kremlin announced.
"This is a mistake. It is Russia unilaterally walking out of one of the most important arms control regimes of the last 20 years," Burns said at an international security conference in Madrid.
Собственно, где же односторонний выход ? Три года ждали, пока другая сторона подпишет, та не подписывала, наоборот, начала строительство систем противоракетной обороны.
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