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Пишет cachexy ([info]cachexy)
@ 2008-07-09 21:39:00

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Entry tags:cachexy, utol

Cachexy "U. > L." 2008
New Cachexy full-length release "U. > L." (2008) is now available for free download in free loseless format (FLAC) at Archive.org

This is second full length release by ukrainian noise-ambient-experimental project Cachexy.
This release includes two original tracks and three covers: two covers of song "Reveries of Trees" by ukrainian synthpop/rock project Olya and Monster (made as a part of Cardiowave.net label cover concours), and a cover of song "Eraser" by ukrainian synthpop/darkfolk project The Litz.

Graphics by Cachexy. Original Cachexy logo by SunsetArt.

01 - Astral Winds, Solar Reveries, Interstellar Tensions [39:46]
02 - Anger Of Stones Dwelling In Hot Dismal Nights Of Volcano Depths [10:32]
03 - "Forest Reveries" [noise version] (Olya and Monster "Сны Деревьев / Reveries of Trees" coveremix) [6:53]
04 - "Forest Reveries" [metal version] (Olya and Monster "Сны Деревьев / Reveries of Trees" coveremix) [6:23]
05 - The Lord Eraser (The Litz "Стирач / Eraser" cover) [4:46]

Free download in free loseless format (FLAC) at Archive.org

(Добавить комментарий)

2008-09-11 05:06 (ссылка)
Кавери на "Сны Деревьев" просто супер, навіть не знаю який мені більше подобається. Напевне metal version все таки більше - здається що трагічність пісні можна відчувати на дотик

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2008-09-11 10:01 (ссылка)
Дякую, дякую

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