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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2021-11-10 07:12:00

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Настроение: contemplative
Музыка:Electic Youth - That Was Our House
Entry tags:transitioning

HRT has removed my anger, so I made peace with my mom. I have a court date soon regarding my political refugee status, so I needed some perfume to smell sweet. And I asked mom what would be the best. She still has difficulties accepting me, yet said that her father Moskalev forbade her using cosmetics and perfumes, because in his words these make women "unnatural," and that "real women don't need cosmetics." Now I think I have never completely understood my mom. She had this PTSD her entire life, after dealing with her totalitarian father, who is one of the worst creatures I met in my life.

Anyway I bought a soft flowery smelling perfume for 15 euro. Hope that will be good enough to present myself in court. Not too expensive, and smells fine.