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Пишет onanymous ([info]onanymous)
@ 2020-12-21 11:07:00

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For decades, ExxonMobil was an unstoppable machine and the envy of the oil industry. Now that machine has broken down -- and Exxon's critics are pouncing.

For the first time in modern history, Exxon (XOM) faces a credible challenge from frustrated investors seeking to overthrow its board of directors.
That effort, led by a new activist investor firm called Engine No. 1, calls for Exxon to rein in its massive spending ambitions, revamp executive pay and explore a push into clean energy. Engine No. 1 has received support from the Church of England and one of America's most powerful pension funds: the California State Teachers' Retirement System, or CalSTRS.
<... >
Engine No. 1 said Exxon should "fully explore" ways to use its scale and expertise by investigating growth areas, including "more significant investment in net-zero emissions energy sources and clean energy infrastructure."


Вот так вот, ребята. Сегодня активисты-гретинисты хотят раскулачить нефтяников, проебав их деньги на мировую революцию ветряные мельницы и солнечные панельки (из за которых напомню Калифорния этим летом сидела без света).
Завтра они придут к вам, заберут мясо и под дулом пистолета заставят жрать говно сою.