Сообщество, посвящённое ра - Ennatosaurus
October 30th, 2011
12:19 pm


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 Ennatosaurus (meaning "the 9th reptile") was a mammal-like reptile that lived in Russia during the Wordian stage of the Permian period. It is included in the synapsid clade Caseidae in the order Pelycosauria.

 Ennatosaurus was herbivorous, possibly using its broad forefeet to dig at plants. Like all caseids, Ennatosaurus had a small head compared to its wide, lizard-like body. Its mouth was lined with blunt, peg-like teeth. It lived alongside other Permian creatures, such as the herbivorous Nyctiphruretus and the carnivorous Biarmosuchus.

 The adult size for Ennatosaurus is unknown. Fossil remains show an animal about the size of a cat, but these are likely juvenile specimens, the adults growing to sizes that may have rivaled those of 20-foot (6.1 m)-long cousin, Cotylorhynchus. Ennatosaurus is known from only one fossil site, where several juveniles were buried simultaneously in sand. One adult skull was found among the juvenile skeletons.

 Эннатозавр (Ennatosaurus) — «средняя» пермь Архангельской области, Россия (мезенская фауна, соответствует по возрасту Очерской фауне). Близок к американским родам типа котилоринха. Длина черепа до 20 см (больше, чем у котилоринха), но, судя по посткраниальным остаткам, обладал довольно крупной головой, поэтому общую длину оценивают в 1,5 метра. Не исключено, что полные реконструкции основаны на соединении черепа взрослой особи и скелета молодого животного. Вероятно, последний из казеид.


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