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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2007-07-21 13:36:00

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Настроение: sick
Entry tags:judeo-christianity, politics

женщинам постоянно отрезали клитор
Чудесная статья про историю борьбы с онанизмом.

The masturbation taboo and the rise of routine male circumcision
Robert Darby

Научно доказывают, что обрезание мальчикам
в Америке делают для предотвращения онанизма;
также рассказывают, что для борьбы с онанизмом
женщинам постоянно отрезали клитор.


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2007-07-21 13:29 (ссылка)
H. Tristram Engelhardt further developed Spitz's and MacDonald's (20) point that masturbation was originally sin rather than sickness by exploring the process by which a religious transgression was transformed into a medical disease without losing any of its immoral connotations, and drawing attention to the punitive character of the therapies evolved. He applied the ironic term "heroic methods" to cover such treatments as infibulation of the foreskin, vasectomy, cauterisation of the urethra, insertion of electrodes into the bladder and rectum, puncturing the prostate with needles, castration and circumcision. (21) Engelhardt does not go into as much detail on the last of these as his sources warrant, and tends to leave the impression that it was a rare intervention instead of the routine procedure it soon became, but at least he identified it as a mainstream response to the problem. Arthur Gilbert provided further evidence on such remedies and also the nature of the diseases that masturbation was supposed to provoke. He suggested that the centrality of masturbation in accounts of organic disease was related to doctors' rising prestige and their tendency to take over the role of the priest; the cycle of sin, confession, penance and redemption was transferred from confessional to consulting room. At the same time, there was very little that physicians could actually do about most diseases, and blaming them on masturbation was often found more satisfactory than admitting their own impotence. (22) Despite this, the authority of the medical profession increased steadily during the nineteenth century, and in 1889 an article in the Lancer compared them to "the old type of priests who combined moral and medical functions." (23)


2007-07-21 13:31 (ссылка)
The moral mission of the medical profession was also the focus of a densely researched but little known paper by Ronald Hamowy, who shows how US doctors in the late nineteenth century successfully extended their ambit from the cure of disease to the enforcement of puritanical standards of sexual morality, and exerted a powerful influence on public law. He argues that psychological medicine, in particular, substituted the treatment of disease for the punishment of moral transgression and became both the arbiter and enforcer of virtuous conduct. By the end of the century, he suggests, it had succeeded in convincing the literate public as to the connection between sexual conduct and mental disease and been able to persuade US legislatures to pass laws which embodied the conclusions of the medical profession and "criminalize[d] sexual immorality under the guise of legislating in the area of preventive medicine." (24) Hamowy documents the remedies proposed for masturbation, and goes into greater detail than many w riters on the use of clitoridectomy in girls, and infibulation, chastity devices and castration in boys. Among other examples, he describes a case in 1894 when eleven boys confined in a Kansas mental institute were castrated for persistent masturbation; when the local press raised an outcry at such severity, the Kansas Medical Journal defended the institute's action on the ground that the boys were confirmed masturbators.... This abuse weakened the already imbecile mind and destroyed the body. The practice is loathsome, disgusting, humiliating and destructive of all self-respect and decency, and had a bad moral effect on the whole school.



2007-07-21 14:17 (ссылка)
During the 1970s several historians of childhood and the family realised that modernisation of attitudes to children was an uneven process: they might have been freed from their swaddling cloths in the eighteenth century, but other constraints were soon imposed. Lloyd De Mause, who was unusual in recognising that circumcision of boys as carried out by "Jews, Egyptians, Arabs and others" was a "mutilation of children by adults," noted that parents began punishing their children for masturbation in the late eighteenth century and that "doctors began to spread the myth that it would cause insanity, epilepsy, blindness and death," a campaign which reached a climax in the late nineteenth century. In response circumcision, clitoridectomy and infibularion were sometimes used as punishment; and all sorts of restraint devices ... were prescribed. Circumcision became especially widespread; as one American child psychologist our it, when a child of two rubs his nose and can't sit still for a moment, only circumcision works. Another doctor, whose book was the bible of many an American nineteenth century home, recommended that little boys be closely watched for signs of masturbation, and brought in to him for circumcision.



2007-07-21 14:22 (ссылка)
Anticipating this change of mood was Wallerstein's remarkably temperate study of the survival of routine infant circumcision in the USA (Britain having abandoned the practice in the early 1950s, New Zealand in the 1960s, and Australia and Canada relinquishing it more slowly from the 1970s). Wallerstein includes a discussion of circumcision as "one of the milder solutions" to the disease of masturbation and refers to the excitable Dr Remondino as one of those who popularised the concept of a link between the foreskin and proneness to the habit. He also points out that the religious prohibition on masturbation dates back beyond Christianity to ancient Judaic theologians, many of whom held it to be a "reprehensible sin" and even a "capital crime." (48) The most astonishing of Wallerstein's revelations is that advocacy of circumcision as a disincentive to masturbation did not die with Emmett Holt. In 1941 Dr Alan Guttmacher, in a widely-read article in a popular magazine, recommended it because the simplified penis was easier to wash, but the aim was moral as well as physical hygiene: "It does not necessitate handling of the penis by the infant's mother, or the child himself in later years, and therefore does not focus the male's attention on his own genitals. Masturbation is considered less likely." As late as 1956, in Pregnancy and birth, Guttmacher reiterated his conviction that the "handling of the genitalia" made necessary by the retention of the foreskin "encourages masturbation."



2007-07-21 14:25 (ссылка)
When the London doctor, Isaac Baker Brown, was expelled from the Obstetrical Society in 1867 for treating masturbation in women by clitoridectomy, his opponents referred to the operation as a "questionable, compromising, unpublishable mutilation" which would affect the women's sex lives, leave them permanently maimed and cast an indelible slur on their honour. Brown defended himself by claiming that masturbation caused hysteria, epilepsy, mania and, eventually, insanity and death, and argued that clitoridectomy was no more mutilating than male circumcision, as proved by the subsequent pregnancy of one of his patients. His critics did not dissent from the proposition that masturbation could provoke the ills he mentioned, but they insisted that the practice was so rare in women that radical interventions of this kind were not necessary. The thing that outraged the society most, and the issue which probably sealed Brown's disgrace, was the fact that the operation was per formed without informed or any other kind of consent; but this was not a consideration which exercised their professional consciences in the case of little boys. (53) Drawing a modem parallel, Moscucci refers to an article by a US doctor on the horrors of female genital mutilation in Africa, (54) and the commentary of a colleague who reported that her own son was circumcised, against her wishes and audibly against his own, at the insistence of her husband, despite paediatric advice that the operation conferred no health benefits: in other words, it was a cultural ritual like the ordeal of the African girls.



2007-07-21 15:19 (ссылка)

история вопроса подробно излагается в рамах основной темы


2007-07-21 18:37 (ссылка)
а Американское обрезание чем-то отличается от еврейского ?
а то вы меня уже запутали, ну не отрезают же хуй целиком

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2007-07-21 19:32 (ссылка)
Надо убивать всех

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2007-07-21 20:06 (ссылка)
я в курсе

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2007-07-22 00:28 (ссылка)

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2007-07-21 21:30 (ссылка)
между тем обрезание онанизму никак не мешает
типа по собственному опыту знаю

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2007-07-21 22:10 (ссылка)
Удовольствия по идее меньше
(для этого его делают, по крайней мере)

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2007-07-26 03:05 (ссылка)


2007-07-27 06:23 (ссылка)
Не совсем в тему, но для "общего развития" про и-нет легенду. Сам видал 2 видео из гигабайтов порнухи в осле и вот только узнал кто это.
Continuing on the "mastubation ethics" diary theme...

Ну и видео тут.

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2007-07-27 12:46 (ссылка)
Еще хорошее тут

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