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Непобеждённое Солнце
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Интересы:39: abattoirs of love, above the ruins, against the modern world, andrew king, brugge, caroline jago, crisis, current 93, death in june, death of the west, douglas p, douglas pearce, eve, ian read, in a garden green, in europa, in the rain, jaws of the serpent, karl blake, king & queen, l'orchestre noir, lesley malone, let us prey, lex talionis, looking for europe, men among the ruins, nurse with wound, renee rosen, sol invictus, sol veritas lux, somewhere in europe, the blade, the devil's steed, the hill of crosses, the killing tide, thrones, tony wakeford, trees in winter, trieste. [Изменить ваши]
Участники:29: 936, a_eisod, aspirantus, badray23, const, cyanide, dangus12km, delinkuent, diefrage, egor19, gray_wind, hamardan, inso_vict, kombol, krtv, master, nit, old_daimler, pamupec, piggymouse, prodigy, realgone, salamandrina, stebka, svonz, tiphareth, unbehagen, variable, wolffanger
Читают:33: 936, a_eisod, aspirantus, badray23, cka3o4h1k, const, dangus12km, diefrage, domachevsky, fuhrer, gennadiy7, gray_wind, hamardan, inso_vict, k_r, kombol, krtv, lingua_avis, master, nb, ninetythree, old_daimler, orthodoxcaveman, ost519, pamupec, piggymouse, prodigy, realgone, salamandrina, svintusoid, twinlamp, unbehagen, variable
