a_m_s' Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in a_m_s' LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, February 2nd, 2017
    1:43 pm
    On a lighter note: Taylor Swift, оказывается- alt-right's pop-icon, хихи
    Wednesday, February 1st, 2017
    2:53 pm
    Когда они п'ишли к власти
    Бэннон своими словами

    В чём заключается "договороспособность" или там "няшность" этого фашика? (хотя товарищ конечно с воображением-разве только в этом?). Особенно доставили переживания по поводу засилья азиатов среди Силиконовой Доллины, следующим пунктом у них кажется уже идёт план урЕзать H-1 визы... Ня!
    Thursday, February 5th, 2015
    12:35 pm
    Какая прелесть: Katy Perry as servant of Satan, Alistair Crowley, aliens, bestiality, etc. в одном флаконе
    Monday, August 4th, 2014
    2:05 pm
    Obama's "Russia doesn't make anything" умудрились перевести как "Россия ничего не сделает" вместо "ничего не производит". идиёты.
    Wednesday, December 12th, 2007
    12:29 pm
    "Мы пошли от фишки, которая происходит от рыбы фиш" (Медведев Д.А.)
    Friday, September 7th, 2007
    12:59 am
    Saturday, June 9th, 2007
    2:18 pm
    http://www.bg.ru/article/6756/ Putin teen porn! (via azatiy)
    Thursday, April 26th, 2007
    11:16 pm
    Мы родили дочь Машку 21 Апреля. Ура!
    Saturday, March 24th, 2007
    7:09 pm
    lj user aberamento- eto kto? tak, dlya spravki...
    Wednesday, September 27th, 2006
    1:14 pm
    опоясывающий лишай (shingles) - порядочная гадость. ответственно говорю.
    Monday, September 4th, 2006
    12:24 pm
    Steve "Croc Hunter" Irwin is dead by a stingray. Чумовой был мужик. RIP, mate.
    Wednesday, August 30th, 2006
    11:44 am
    Saturday, July 8th, 2006
    2:26 pm
    Muammar Qaddafi on football
    First: Beware of the FIFA dangerous sicknesses.

    Medical researches confirmed and are currently confirming and will confirm that most of the peoples overtaken, enthusiastic and addicts of the football are the first to be hit by the psychological and nervous sicknesses leading to angina pectois, strokes, diabetics, blood pressure and early senility. At the time when movement of a human being constricts due to excessiveness of technology use; and accordingly becomes lazier, more exanimate and flabbier; and sport transforms, in turn, from an individual activity, like prayers where no proxy is allowed … to an exploitation and monopoly activity for the predominating and rich elite; the same as it with FIFA today.. and thus, the public are to be only stuffed within the role of stupid spectator.

    Second: Beware of hatred, aggressiveness and racism caused by the football.

    The originator of the idea was imagining the opposite. If he were alive now he would propose the cancellation of the FIFA. He was believing that it would create love among the population of the earth and it would be a release. What happened is the spread and deepening of hatred and hate even among friends and hostility among the peoples. … Then it became an exploiting economic embezzling venture in lieu of an entertaining sport one. Then it became a project for corruption and spoiling, money laundering in the name of the FIFA, to passport forging, to fake matches in order to grab money … and doubling the ticket price. … Then it shifted to be a slave market where widely and publicly trading in humans is taking place by buying players and selling them from one state to another and from one club to another. The children of the poor states became slaves of the rich ones. The FIFA reactivated the system of slavery and enslavement and trading in human beings from Africa to Europe and America; and also from Latin America to Europe.”
    Thursday, June 8th, 2006
    10:45 pm
    во как
    nam soobschayut:



    Отныне замаскированных врагов России И Мира значительно проще распознать по стандартно отштампованным во вражеских психотехнических специнкубаторах словосочетаниям, стереотипам, психологическим приемам и прочим лохотронным фокусам для примитивных ролевых игр в Круглых Дураков.

    Присоединяйтесь к интернет-строительству комплексного информационно-технологического объединения Сотово-сетевых Сооружений Специального Назначения....
    Friday, May 5th, 2006
    10:20 pm
    gm-gm.... ya znachit zashchitilsya segodnya.... i teper' eta.... Ph.D. (pile higher and deeper- and so I did)
    Tuesday, March 21st, 2006
    9:31 pm
    subj. po moschi obraza i nakalu priblizhaetsya k luchshim obrazcam, Vulis tam ili kto....hotya i ne setevoy chelovek

    © Тенгиз Гудава
    Thursday, February 23rd, 2006
    6:54 pm
    6:50 pm
    Saturday, February 18th, 2006
    1:25 am
    skingirl from russia
    This is just too good to be true- свежак,фактура!

    Skingirl from Russia
    via aqualung
    Thursday, January 12th, 2006
    1:22 pm
    go postal   v   1. to perpetrate acts of premeditated violence.   2. to go insane. Notes: the term originated from the cases of United States Postal Service employees who, due to job stress or other traumatic influence, have murdered coworkers on the job, usually with a firearm. Only later did the definition open up to general insanity, but still has connotations of violence.  
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