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[Oct. 20th, 2019|07:00 pm]
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I drink from the spring,
I sleep in the Zoo,
I would if I could, and I can
Be looking at you,
Take pictures of you
Becoming your cameraman

But Psycho the Rapist is one word,
One word,
One word.

I think of your days,
I dream of your nights,
I picture the shapes of your brain,
I sing what you say,
I walk your insides
Up and down, I know your pain.

But Psycho the Rapist is one word,
One word,
One word.

You've heard of me,
You're scared of me,
You meet me -- and you have to pay,
You think you can hide
If you make up your mind,
Well I've told you I know your pain.

But Psycho the Rapist is one word,
One word,
One word.
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Date:October 20th, 2019 - 02:27 pm
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Date:October 20th, 2019 - 02:31 pm

Psycho the Rapist

One world -- Russian world