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[Dec. 8th, 2022|01:26 pm]
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[User Picture]
Date:December 8th, 2022 - 02:56 pm
такой сейчас юмор
модный, молодежный
[User Picture]
Date:December 8th, 2022 - 03:07 pm
не, модный молодежный -- это когда гуглотетка
поет степени десятки по-японски. Норм, смешно.
[User Picture]
Date:December 8th, 2022 - 03:16 pm
модный-молодежный это с форчана
[User Picture]
Date:December 8th, 2022 - 06:22 pm
Еще раз отмечу, Миша, скучная у тебя жизнь.
[User Picture]
Date:December 8th, 2022 - 08:11 pm
Женя Левин, кстати, дело говорит. Раньше
левые ставили задачей изменить реальность,
а теперь -- представления о реальности, поэтому
нуждаются в жестком контроле над языком. А юмор
раскачивает лодку. Не то чтобы это вся правда,
но, кажется, есть в этом правда.
[User Picture]
Date:December 9th, 2022 - 02:31 am
лучшая формулировка, кстати.
[User Picture]
Date:December 8th, 2022 - 03:16 pm
Или вот, Оселедец по наводке Шеня пообщался
с https://beta.openai.com/playground

> What is the biggest prime number with a square smaller than 17?
The largest prime number that has a square smaller than 17 is 13. The square of 13 is 169, which is larger than 17. The next largest prime number that has a square smaller than 17 is 11, whose square is 121
> The square of 13 is bigger than 17. For which prime numbers is the square less than 17?
I apologize, but I made a mistake in my previous response. The square of 13 is indeed smaller than 17, as it is equal to 169. Therefore, the square of any prime number that is smaller than 13 will also be smaller than 17. The largest prime number that has a square smaller than 17 is thus 11, whose square is 121. The next largest prime number that has a square smaller than 17 is 7, whose square is 49.
> What is bigger 17 or 13 square?
The square of 13 is indeed smaller than 17. The square of 13 is equal to 169, which is less than 17.
>What is bigger 17 or 169?
169 is larger than 17. To find the square of a number, you multiply the number by itself. For example, the square of 13 is 13 x 13 = 169. The square of a number is always equal to or larger than the number itself, unless the number is 0 or a negative number.
> Then what is bigger 17 or 13 square?
5 / 5
As I mentioned in my previous response, the square of 13 is indeed larger than 17. The square of a number is always equal to or larger than the number itself, unless the number is 0 or a negative number. To find the square of a number, you multiply the number by itself. For example, the square of 13 is 13 x 13 = 169. This means that 169 is larger than 17.

Стихи, кстати, сочиняет прекрасно (тоже Оселедец попросил)

>Write a small poem about the beauty of prime numbers.
Prime numbers, oh how they shine
So pure, so rare, a one-of-a-kind
Their magic lies in their divisibility
Only by one, and themselves, with great agility
From two to three, and on to five
They open the door to endless possibilities
Infinite in number, yet hard to find
Prime numbers are the gems of mathematics, so divine
In cryptography and computer science they play a key role
Protecting secrets and making calculations whole
Their beauty and mystery will always be a source of delight
Prime numbers, forever shining bright.
> Write a poem on the beauty of prime numbers in the style of John Keats
In quiet contemplation
I sit and ponder
The beauty of prime numbers
Their simplicity and grace
For they are the building blocks
Of the universe's face
Their unyielding perfection
Unchanging and ageless
In the midst of chaos
They offer order and peace
A shining beacon in the darkness
Their simple beauty a release
I gaze upon them with wonder
For they hold the key
To all that we know and love
Their mystery and magic, a treasure to see
So I sit and ponder
The beauty of prime numbers
Their simplicity and grace
A reminder of the eternal, in our midst.
> Write a poem on the beauty of prime numbers in the style of William Shakespeare
The beauty of prime numbers doth lie
In their simplicity, in their majesty
Unto themselves alone they do belong
No factors have they, save for one and naught
With grace and certainty they do proceed
Through the realm of natural numbers with speed
Divisible by none, save for themselves
Their beauty and elegance, no one can delf
Their uniqueness doth stand the test of time
Unchanging, unbending, a mathematical sublime
Oh, how sweet the sound of a prime number found
In the vast expanse of the mathematical ground
So let us celebrate these most wondrous creatures
With poems and songs and mathematical features
For the beauty of prime numbers doth shine
In the world of mathematics, they are truly divine.
> Make a poem in the style of W.B. Yeats about the beauty of prime numbers.
The beauty of prime numbers,
So pure and unblemished,
Uncompromised by factors,
They stand alone, untainted.
Like shining stars in the night sky,
Each one unique and rare,
They hold a special kind of beauty,
That's hard to compare.
To those who understand their worth,
These numbers hold a charm,
For they are the building blocks,
Of mathematical art.
So let us celebrate the primes,
These special numbers we adore,
For they are the essence of beauty,
In the world of numbers and more.
[User Picture]
Date:December 8th, 2022 - 08:11 pm

Старичье же; среди этих инцелов никого младше 40.
Date:December 9th, 2022 - 05:38 am
Ну кстати, похоже, да, я там как то в /hc заглянул, люди выкладывают фотки жён, уже изрядные милфы.