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Tuesday, March 28th, 2006

    Time Event
    in memoriam s. l.
    what little distance is left
    runs through the grove of nameless apparitions
    spots where i do not exist are merging
    and the reflections in the mirror
    strain to match their objects of origin
    the content provider is exhausted

    the chiffchaff chirping in the willow
    retains an aura of blurred birdhood
    but has shed its true name
    should be pilochka pechka whatever
    ptichka is all i am left with
    and the remaindered words are bogus

    i was master thoughtsmith i named
    things they never even suspected to exist
    in that puny universe of theirs
    and patched some of the holes in the mirror
    where they see things that never are i was
    like all of them but burning brighter

    the time
    has come to unscrew me from my socket
    and the small winged darkness they are left with is
    like an unreadable message from the stars

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