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Tuesday, August 8th, 2006

    Time Event
    С днем рождения, Imagekomlev.
    groping for grammar

    faint people in their summer twill who roam
    the nooks of fast receding greenery
    phantoms in their faded denim skins
    with faces blurred by faulty recollection
    or is it us the two of them i see
    turn overleaf some distant august
    all that is left is child's winter taste
    of the first swallowed snowflake

    there is a lemonade stand at the land's edge
    with customers so full of sprite and grace
    where time like an immemorial 8-track reel
    is ever sweet and short yet never ends
    where summer never fails but always stops
    short of its wretched destination
    and those of us who look beyond the edge
    end up with their faces blurred like this
    whose mouths never find their proper place
    groping for grammar

    sometimes i worry that the hubble constant

    supple was your breast under that slippery twill
    your mouth was then where i could always find it
    are we still stuck within that 8-track curse
    like flies circling the mighty treacle tree
    what we believed was time has long run out
    the sun is hovering unsaid between us
    speak slowly we are running out of words

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