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Пишет beotia ([info]beotia)
@ 2016-02-21 03:47:00

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Твиттер как главная машина ненависти Интернетов.

One person I met was Lindsey Stone, a 32-year-old Massachusetts woman who posed for a photograph while mocking a sign at Arlington National Cemetery’s Tomb of the Unknowns. Stone had stood next to the sign, which asks for “Silence and Respect,” pretending to scream and flip the bird. She and her co-worker Jamie, who posted the picture on Facebook, had a running joke about disobeying signs — smoking in front of No Smoking signs, for example — and documenting it. But shorn of this context, her picture appeared to be a joke not about a sign but about the war dead. Worse, Jamie didn’t realize that her mobile uploads were visible to the public.

Four weeks later, Stone and Jamie were out celebrating Jamie’s birthday when their phones started vibrating repeatedly. Someone had found the photo and brought it to the attention of hordes of online strangers. Soon there was a wildly popular “Fire Lindsey Stone” Facebook page. The next morning, there were news cameras outside her home; when she showed up to her job, at a program for developmentally disabled adults, she was told to hand over her keys. (“After they fire her, maybe she needs to sign up as a client,” read one of the thousands of Facebook messages denouncing her. “Woman needs help.”)

Даже жизнь в Массачусеттсе не спасает от агрессивного среднеамериканского быдла, к сожалению.

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2016-02-21 16:17 (ссылка)
да, выёбывающемуся небыдлу надо, наверное, в Антарктику съёбывать. Но, боюсь, они и пингвинов достанут своими выебонами

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2016-02-21 21:07 (ссылка)
В Haunebu, к Деду, в глушь, на полюс!

Но вообще жалко тетку же, которая со знаками фотографировалсь. Все остальные могут отправляться в Антарктику, включая автора статьи. Да и мы сами тоже.

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