Лямбда Корямбда
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Лямбда Корямбда [userpic]
И интересно

Лук инвалида (коля сочника), работает вместе с Вениамином. Не один ли это чеплыга, задумайтесь.


As you mentioned, since this post is obviously getting a lot of attention, I will post my reply to you here as well:

Greetings Jonathan, thank you for responding to my post inw such a timely matter! As I already stated, I can entirely comprehend where the motivations behind the "watchdog"'s inclinations might originate from, and I can relate to them. As I sense some "ticklishness" about the use of the terminology, let us instead refer to them as "guardians", if you will, in a spirit of not irritating anyone's sensibilities. However, there never has been any ill-will nor ad hominem implied with the previous term, as I also previously insisted on elsewhere. But I digress. My purpose is not to challenge any kind of authority, for the sake of revolt itself, it rather is a call to the community to manifest itself and participate in the elaboration of what the network will eventually become. As you chose to make Smoke a decentralized project, isn't it how it should be? Since we all have marijuana as a common denominator, it is natural that most of the content contributed will gravitate directly or indirectly around the topic of this great plant we all love and respect. However, I strongly feel there should be room to discuss the complimentary interests and endeavors of the community's members, especially since many of those are fueled by the use of cannabis. For example, many of us musicians, like my brothers @djlethalskillz, @heaterville, @vandigital and @alexworld, to name but a few, are inspired to produce music while under the creative drive that marijuana brings us! Others, like for example, community members who are into writing posts on gastronomy, and not necessarily the weed infused kind, might find inspiration for creating recipes when they are struck by a case of the munchies! And who doesn't like to play video games stoned?!! This is why I think, even though I understand the need for caution, that the community should self-regulate, through upvotes and downvotes of content, without the need for any kind of ruling by whichever group of users. As far as you urging me to purchase or earn my stake goes, well, I have been following the project since day one, participated in the airdrop, bought in the ICO and even bought 1000 fresh tokens on the bitshares DEX the same day I got my account, while I wait for the other $SMOKE I own to be transfered... And I don't expect THAT to grant me any kind of prevalence over any other member! ;) But to return to the matter at hand, judging from the response my posts have been receiving so far, I am not the only one in this community that feels the way I do. I might not have been around as a user during the testnet phase, but I can tell you that I have been looking toward the mainnet launch and have been posting about it often in my social networks. I care about this community already very much and I feel every one in it deserves to be heard on this very important subject. Hopefully, this post will help fuel the discussion...

I also posted this article on the whaleshares platform, you can already appreciate for yourself how people are responding to it... ;)

В двух словах и по русски, плз


Здраствуйте, я Саид Гафуров. Нам не будет тесно вместе, не переживайте.


какие правила нарушены?


вaм порa уже встретиться и поебaться, кaк думaешь? ну и побухaете зaодно, голубки


Зaхлопнись, "остряк", бля.


стрaдaй, говно. говно должно стрaдaть


Последний рaз обьясняю: ты дебил. Не пытaйся ничего понять, все рaвно не получится. Просто пойди нaхуй.


ты против свободы словa, что и продемонстрировaл своим комментaрием.


Последний рaз обьясняю: ты дебил. Не пытaйся ничего понять, все рaвно не получится. Просто пойди нaхуй.


aнусом не виляй тут, a пиши честно: "я безгрaмотный долбоёб и сновa обосрaлся".


глaвный пидор тут вы, говно


иди нaхуй кaроч)))


затвитсетил тебя пидараста и твое анальное сообщество.


Купи себе хуй резиновый. И в хозяйстве пригодится, и ребенку развлечение.


Сколько же бесполезной хуйни у тебя в голове.


пасть твою петушиную порву понял


Что ты, что ласось - два кастрированных гомасека, заебали со своим говном уже всех.

я сраный двачер

я люблю обмазываться несвежей пастой и дрочить


Если бы не моя приверженность Первой поправке, я бы тебя пиздил.


Что ты, что ласось - два кастрированных гомасека, заебали со своим говном уже всех.

я люблю обмазываться несвежей пастой и дрочить

я сраный двачер


сукалол ебать ты истеричка