blue_slonopotam - March 10th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 10th, 2012

Таки самый глупый штат [Mar. 10th, 2012|12:45 pm]
То, что за пределами залива разумной жизни нет, оно известно было.
Выясняется, что и в Сан-Франциско народ со странностями.

"Ну мы тут немножно документы для суда подделывали 10 лет, но не со зла, просто лениво было по закону всё делать."
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dart [Mar. 10th, 2012|03:06 pm]
The optional type annotations allow to actually have type information in the code where it's useful for documentation purposes; no more hunting for documentation that explains that an argument must implement a certain list of methods in order to be considered an acceptable duck.
Generating, say, int specific code just because the developer specified it is wrong if the actual objects at runtime are really Strings.

Should it read then as "no more hunting for lousy documentation, you can get as much disinformation as possible right from the code" ?
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