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October 15th, 2007

[info]leshkah@lj02:33 pm - в догонку
и на ТВ конечно жы! пустить по-русски им рекламку, типа этой (украла с одной местной юр. фирмы):

Class Action (Групповой иск)

A Class action is a lawsuit that is brought on behalf of a group of people who are suffering a similar harm or loss. This harm or loss can be caused by:

* Consumer Fraud (!!!!)
* Corporate Misconduct
* Employment Discrimination
* Environmental Law / Toxic Torts
* Insurance Fraud
* Finance Fraud
* Federal False Claims Act (QUI TAM)
* Securities Fraud

In a class action one or more representatives bring a lawsuit on behalf of a class of similarly situated persons. Often, the members of a class could not afford to bring individual lawsuits, and the class action allows them to be compensated without incurring the costs of a single lawsuit. The attorneys of **** Law Firm have the experience and technological capability to handle various types of class actions and are ready to answer any questions you may have about a variety of existing class actions, or about the formation of new class action lawsuits.

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