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11:04 pm



Re: Вопрос
Ничего подобного на английском увы не нашёл, разве что:
019963 Veller, Mikhail. Velikii Poslednii Shans [The Great last chance]. St. Petersburg-Minsk: Parol’, Kharvest, 2005. 459 p. ill. Hardcover. 12.5 x 20 cm. ISBN 5170335806. In Russian. $16.00 Mikhail Veller, a popular Russian writer, presents his
current writings in this book. Some of his observations and conclusions are shocking, and some of his social forecasts are encouraging. http://www.panrus.com/catalog50.pdf

I spent the day reading "The Great Last Chance", a non-fiction book by Mikhail Veller, the writer I've mentioned before. This particular book analyzes Russia's condition today, and it's clear that Weller is a follower of Ibn Khaldun's views on the rise and fall of civilizations. (I would also probably extrapolate that he views Francis Fukuyama's theory with skepticism). Basically, the theory is that all great civilizations follow a trend - they rise through military expansion and imperialistic ambition, eventually settle down, becoming increasingly peaceful and using their resources to develop culture and reach economic prosperity, and fall due to internal corruption, loosening of the morality, and increasing military weakness and unwillingness of the citizens to fight for the country. Eventually, they are replaced, by younger, more virulent civilizations.

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