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Пишет cyberloh01 ([info]cyberloh01)
@ 2019-03-22 11:09:00

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I worked for a Japanese electronics company for 6 years in the UK. Of all our Japanese managers, only one younger guy brought his family to live abroad. The rest left the wives in Japan. They seemed to like it. They had free housing, free membership of the golf club and Audi's or BMWs. Had to travel to Taiwan, Singapore etc. Off the massage shop as soon as they hit the tarmac. Freedom for them I guess. They had their own little boys club away from their wives, The old general manager retired after a lifetime with the company. He went back to Japan and had to spend time with his wife again. Hated it so much that he started his own company to supply his old one. Served a few purposes, get away from the wife, give him something to do and keep him active. All in his late 60s.

Хорошее выражение: бесплатный клоун. Это то чем вынужденно занимаются мужики перед бабами, тёщами, родителями.