Хроники Города Глупова - Post a comment
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09:06 am



Передо мной лежат два документа

1. Сегодня, на первой полосе:
(CNN) - Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was downed over eastern
Ukraine by a Buk missile brought in from Russia and fired from a village
under the control of pro-Russian separatists, a team of international
prosecutors said Wednesday.

Speaking at a press conference in the Dutch city of Nieuwegein, Wilbert
Paulissen, the head of the Dutch National Detective Force, said there
was conclusive evidence that a Russian-made Buk 9M38 missile downed the
passenger flight on July 17, 2014, killing all 298 people on board.

After the missile launch, the Buk was returned to Russian territory
the next day, he said.


(a) IN GENERAL -- It is the policy of the United
States to further assist the Government of Ukraine in re-
storing its sovereignty and territorial integrity to contain,
reverse, and deter Russian aggression in Ukraine. That
policy shall be carried into effect, among other things,
through a comprehensive effort, in coordination with allies
and partners of the United States where appropriate, that
includes sanctions, diplomacy, and assistance, including le-
thal defensive weapons systems, for the people of Ukraine
intended to enhance their ability to consolidate a rule of
law-based democracy with a free market economy and to
exercise their right under international law to self-defense.

(там еще много интересного).
Одобрен Палатой Представителей неделю назад.
Может, конечно, это "ж-ж-ж-ж" и неспроста, но зная сопосбности
конгресса жевать резину, и не зная, какие шашни крутятся между
РФ и США за пределами досягаемости мейнстримовых сми, от комментариев
воздержусь пока. "Ну поглядим..."

UPD А вот и третий документ. Не то чтоб он исходил из какого-то
шибко знакового источника, но timing, Карл, timing.

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