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Sorry for the English, Hope someone understands it Jan. 10th, 2006|09:51 pm
Geese are great and everything, but this new year is turning out to be not so super great. In case anyone in Russia would like to know how things are on this side of the world, I thought that I would provide this update. Bad things worth noting that have already happened in the first 10 days of the year:
1. 12 minors in the United States have suffocated to death in a mine. It blew up. Way to go non-union mining company! Way to take care of your men!
2. A man by the name of Alito is about to be confirmed as a judge of the United States Supreme Court (the highest one) who is against abortion, individual rights, the constitution in general, and all for protecting the "unborn", and large corporation, and gross abuses by the executive branch against the little man. This could lead to the completion of the transition of United States to a fashist, totalitarian Empire.
3. Sharon, and some may view this as a good thing but I think for the sake of the Palestinians it's not, is probably brain damaged beyond repair and will now be replaced by his underling, who's policies no one is too sure of. this could lead to intifada 2006.
3. And as for me personally, my man left me, and I'm about to be booted out of law school, with a semester and a half left to go, all because I can't pay them the 12 thousand dollars that I owe them.
In conclusion, the year 2006, at least in the United States seems to not have gotten off to a good start.
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