Дуня (а#1), Дуся (а#2) и коровки (хтонич - Envoyer un commentaire
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а женщин в транспорте там ЩУПАЮТ, такой обычай
и не всем это нравится (но многим)

This was a response in someways to the huge success of the charming Samu Yamamoto, the author of the 1996 bestsellers Diary of a Chikan, and Peeper. In 1998 he came up with Confessions of a Chikan. These books were full of pointers and advice for dealing with the Japanese women's psychology while committing these offenses.

When his books were published, he became a cult hero among the millions of Japanese male commuters- but they also drew the attention of the growing Womyn's Studies types ( most of whom you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place) ,who were completely outraged. Yamamoto now writes about the sex industry for various magazines. Even his sexy young wife, whom he met by molesting on the subway, thinks he is just a great man.

“There are three types of chikan," says Yuki Kakizaki ( 41), an obese female station staff who works at the counseling corner in a middle sized Tokyo station.
"some of them do it half by accident – and when they're caught once, their shame is so great that they'll never do it again, kind of like shoplifters you Westerners deal with. Then we have the high profile guys, like the ones who work at famous companies in management or universities, or for the media, they're used to getting their way and respect from sexy young women , so they feel entitled because they get away with it at the workplace. Also, for all intents and purposes, the mythical female chikan does not exist.

But then there are those who get a real pleasure from it, the compulsive chikan,they are not given the opportunities of the more successful type of guys I just mentioned and they are harder to cure: we see the same creeps busted over and over. Some of them have no chance to interact with women at all in their daily lives. The trains and the commute are a real paradise for them. A crowded train is a highlight of the day for these guys".

The year end, bonenkai parties are just around the corner, With no sense of shame, he talks with excitement about the holidays.
"There are lots of year-end parties and many slutty women get drunk," Masamune said. "So there will be plenty of good opportunities for the real chikan."

и даже некоторые профессоры
He obtained positions as a researcher of Fiscal and Monetary Policy Institute at the Ministry of Finance in July 1985, an assistant professor at the Economic Research Institute at Kyoto University in June 1991, an honorary fellow of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University in October 1993, a senior economist at Nomura Research Institute in April 2002, and became a professor at the graduate school in Waseda University from April 2003, until he was dismissed in April 2004. Afterwards, he established the Three-Nations Research Institute, and became a chairman of the company on April 1, 2005. In April 2006, he made a career comeback in an academic position as a visiting professor at Nagoya University of Commerce & Business graduate school in Nagoya. He lectured on "national economic strategy" until the arrest in September of the year.[6]

He appeared as a commentator on television programs such as Fuji TV's morning Tokudane!.[7][8]
Criminal charges

On April 8, 2004, Uekusa was arrested for trying to peep under a high school girl's skirt using his hand mirror on an escalator at Shinagawa Station of East Japan Railway Company in Minato, Tokyo.[9] Immediately after the arrest, Uekusa admitted his guilt,[10] and he apologized.[11] He was dismissed from being a professor on May 7, 2004 because of the arrest, despite denying the charges.[12]

His trial opened at the Tokyo District Court on March 23, 2005, and the Chief Justice fined him 500,000 yen and confiscated his hand mirror. He insisted that it was an "unfair judgement" and intended to appeal.[13] The ruling was established however as he did not make the appeal by the deadline on April 6, 2005.[14][15]

Uekusa was arrested again at Keikyū Kamata Station for molesting a girl in a Keikyu train on September 13, 2006, at around 10:10 p.m.[8] On September 27, 2006, Nagoya University of Commerce & Business announced that they had dismissed him from his duties as a visiting professor.[16] Uekusa claimed to be innocent, saying that he was drunk when he was arrested, so he does not remember what happened that night.[17] He was indicted for chikan on October 4, 2006.
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