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Пишет Maldorosa ([info]final_cunt)
@ 2018-12-24 14:50:00

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мученичество Андреаса Баадера от рук тевтонских христосвинофашистов

Andreas Baader is partially naked in his cell in the Stammheim Prison. Two men hold Baader while a third lies beaten on the floor before him. A fourth man in trenchcoat executes Baader with a gun shot to the back of the neck. The men are positioned in the shape of a St Andrew's Cross. The composition and chiaroscuro are inspired by Baroque art, with associations to Caravaggio's Crucifixion of St. Peter.
The painting was presented at Høstutstillingen in Oslo in 1978. It immediately drew strong reactions in both Norway and Germany for its way of depicting a terrorist as a religious martyr, as well as supposing he was murdered.

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2018-12-24 17:56 (ссылка)
хорошая картина, направление взглядов чётко задаёт свастику, и выстрел строго в её центре.
так должно быть с каждым жыдом
