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Batterie near Calais Batterie TODT (Museum of the Atlantic Wall), Todt Battery Museum, which includes the only German rail cannon in Europe. The guns fitted into these bunkers were i am told 380mm. There is also a museum here in one of the other bunkers and it is well worth a visit. There is a massive K5 railway gun of which there are only two left in existance and the other is in America somewhere. Batterie Todt - the biggest bunker in the area. It is situated very near to Wissant (Wissant, a small French village) and was named after the construction specialist Todt EXTA INFORMATION ABOUT: Building started 20 july 1940: 23 december 1941 visit by Hitler: 11 january batterie became operational: 6 june 1944 allies attacked normandy coast: 17 september 1944 batterie attacked by Canadians and North Highlander Reg. Four gun emplacements of 380 mm 15 concrete tobrouks 10mm guns 3 anti tank guns 9 flak guns for defence from air attack Фотографии нынешнего состояния баттареи Тодта с рисункми и надписями, сделанными гитлеровскими солдатами (карикатуры на Черчилля, «Боже, покарай Британию» и всё такое) и с современными граффити поверх них: http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/croydonso/Tu Тут конечно академичней, но без граффити. http://www.atlantikwall.co.uk/atlantikw Добавить комментарий: |