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12:49 am

imz[Link] |
Posting comments to Blogger with OpenID doesn't work I also experience this problem. (Blogger developpers, please fix it!)
Details about my experience:
I want to post comments with my OpenID http://lj.rossia.org/users/imz/ ; I use it happily on many other sites.
But when I try to post a comment to a Blogger/Blogspot post, the error is: "Your OpenID credentials could not be verified.".
For example, to test it right now I wrote a simple comment text at http://karelzak.blogspot.com/2009/12/unshare1.html#comment-form , entered my OpenID and pressed "Preview". This error occurred. "Post Comment" would also cause this error. This error occurred in other blogs for me before.
Blogger developpers, please fix this problem!
Similarly to Cyrill in the linked support thread, I'm using Google Chromium (chromium-browser-7.0.513.0-alt1.r58159), but this may well be unimportant.
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