ьб - August 23rd, 2019 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 23rd, 2019

[Aug. 23rd, 2019|02:01 pm]
The neocolonial movement "Extinction Rebellion (XR)" acts in concert with space aliens. It may seem at first glance. In fact, the "Extinction Rebellion (XR)" acts together with well-known hoaxers:
This week we were proud to work in collaboration with the WOMAD Festival and Extinction Rebellion (XR), who asked us to create a 300ft XR logo at the WOMAD Festival site to highlight food security issues surrounding climate change.

#capitalism #climatechange #colonialism #cowspiracy #cropcircle #cryptocolonialism #extinctionrebellion #fridaysforfuture #hoax #infosec #metaprogramming #neocolonialism #revision #uk #weather #2020y
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