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Пишет kouzdra ([info]kouzdra)
@ 2006-03-25 14:26:00

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О! Неиллюзорная машина судного дня!
Russian Perimetr System

C3: Nuclear Command, Control Cooperation by Yarynich

The operation of the Russian Perimetr system is described by in pp. 157 -158. During a high-level alert, the National Command Authority issues preliminary authorization to a super hardened radio command and control center. The crew working at the center prepares to transmit a launch order by means of Perimetr command missiles which radio the launch codes to the silos. The launch order is transmitted only if three conditions are simultaneously met: the preliminary authorization has been received, there has been a complete loss of communications with the NCA, and positive signals of nuclear detonations are received from the different types of sensors. Obviously, Perimetr cannot order Launch on Warning. Its purpose is to order "Launch After Detonation", but only if first activated by the NCA and then NCA communication is lost.


Pavel Podvig [ Strategicheskoye yadernoye vooruzheniye Rossii]

Some redundancy has also been built into the communication channels. In addition to mobile land and air-based relay stations, the nuclear C3 network also includes the Perimetr missile system which may be used to transmit launch commands to the nuclear forces. The Perimetr system uses missiles based on retired ballistic missile types (the most recent variant, the Perimetr-RTs, reportedly uses missiles based on the Topol ICBM, while earlier variants used missiles based on the Pioner IRBM and UR-100 ICBM) which would be launched upon the issue of nuclear attack orders and transmit these orders during their 20-50 minute flight over ICBM basing areas. Some consideration was given to enabling the Perimetr system to operate in an automated mode. Following a missile attack warning, Perimetr missiles could be set to launch automatically after a set period of time unless they received a second message stopping the countdown. Although this mode of operation would have provided further insurance against a decapitating strike, it was not adopted due to concerns over unauthorized nuclear launches in the event it proved impossible to stop the countdown.

Правда, функция автоматического запуска вроде бы была только разработана, но не принята на вооружение :)

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2006-03-25 22:35 (ссылка)
И кстати - сходите по ссылке - это блог автов той самой статьи с ее обсуждением.

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