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Пишет kouzdra ([info]kouzdra)
@ 2012-10-08 00:35:00

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"Золотая вольность"
Прошу прощения - но я сам сейчас занят систематизацией представлений о политической речи посполитой (я ее нежно люблю и уважаю - но представления у мене он ней несколько хаотические):

The foundation of the Commonwealth's political system, the "Golden Liberty" (Polish: Złota Wolność, a term used from 1573), included:

- the election of the king by all nobles wishing to participate, known as wolna elekcja (free election);

- Sejm, the Commonwealth parliament which the king was required to hold every two years;
pacta conventa, "agreed-to agreements" negotiated with the king-elect, including a bill of rights, binding on the king, derived from the earlier King Henry's Articles;
rokosz (insurrection), the right of szlachta to form a legal rebellion against a king who violated their guaranteed freedoms;

- religious freedom guaranted by Warsaw Confederation Act 1573,

- liberum veto, the right of an individual land envoy to oppose a decision by the majority in a Sejm session; the voicing of such a "free veto" nullified all the legislation that had been passed at that session; during the crisis of the second half of the 17th century, Polish nobles could also use the liberum veto in provincial sejmiks;

- konfederacja (from the Latin confederatio), the right to form an organization to force through a common political aim.