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Пишет kouzdra ([info]kouzdra)
@ 2012-10-22 23:40:00

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Entry tags:Идиоты, Международная история города Глупова

"Наш брат Том нажил геморрой

Если этот метод оказывается недостаточным, они
руководствуются двумя другими, более действительными,
известными между учеными под именем акростихов и анаграмм.
Один из этих методов позволяет им расшифровать все
инициалы, согласно их политическому смыслу. Так, N будем

Пользуясь вторым методом, заключающимся в перестановке
букв подозрительного письма, можно прочитать самые
затаенные мысли и узнать самые сокровенные намерения
недовольной партии. Например, если я в письме к другу
говорю: "Наш брат Том нажил геморрой", искусный
дешифровальщик из этих самых букв прочитает фразу,
что заговор открыт, надо сопротивляться и т. д. Это
и есть анаграмматический метод

© Свифт "Путешествия Гулливера"

Я все-таки вроде уже не должен удивляться - но прочитал нижеследующее и пребываю в легком офигении (и да - помните, что чтение всяких "Геделей, Эшеров и Бахов" может довести до тюрьмы:

Hidden message
In the letters sent to the media, the characters 'A' and 'T' were sometimes bolded or highlighted by tracing over, suggesting that the letters contained a hidden code.[25][26][27][28][29][30]

The letters to The New York Post[31] and Tom Brokaw[32] contained a "hidden message" in such highlighted characters. Below is the media text with the highlighted A's and T's:


According to the FBI Summary Report issued on February 19, 2010, following the search of Ivins' home, cars, and office on November 1, 2007, investigators began examining his trash.[33] A week later, just after 1 a.m. on the morning of November 8, Ivins was observed throwing away "a copy of a book entitled Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, published by Douglas Hofstadter in 1979" and "a 1992 issue of American Scientist Journal which contained an article entitled 'The Linguistics of DNA,' and discussed, among other things, codons and hidden messages".

The book Gödel, Escher, Bach contains a lengthy description of the encoding/decoding procedures, including an illustration of hiding a message within a message by bolding certain characters.[35] According to the FBI Summary Report, "[w]hen they lifted out just the bolded letters, investigators got TTT AAT TAT – an apparent hidden message". The 3-letter groups are codons, "meaning that each sequence of three nucleic acids will code for a specific amino acid".[36]

TTT = Phenylalanine (single-letter designator F)
AAT = Asparagine (single-letter designator N)
TAT = Tyrosine (single-letter designator Y)

The FBI Summary Report proceeds to say: "From this analysis, two possible hidden meanings emerged: (1) 'FNY' – a verbal assault on New York, and (2) PAT – the nickname of [Dr. Ivins'] Former Colleague #2." Ivins was known to have a dislike for New York City, and four of the media letters had been sent to New York. The report states that it "was obviously impossible for the Task Force to determine with certainty that either of these two translations was correct", however, "the key point to the investigative analysis is that there is a hidden message, not so much what that message is." Ivins showed a fascination with codes and also had an interest in secrets and hidden messages. He also was familiar with biochemical codons.