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Пишет kouzdra ([info]kouzdra)
@ 2007-05-25 10:26:00

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Entry tags:brave new world, Классика, Мудическая политология

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In 1957, Oliver Kenneth Goff published a notarized statement discussing his 1939 testimony before the House of Un-American Activities Committee. In the statement, Goff said Communist Party leaders had discussed fluoridation as a method to “keep the general public docile during a steady encroachment of Communism” (H, 3). According to Goff, the Party discussed using fluoridation as a tool to “either kill off the populace or threaten them with liquidation, so that they would surrender to obtain fresh water” (H, 3). After its publication, antifluoridationists began citing Goff’s statement and HUAC testimony as proof of a malicious Communist conspiracy. The statement is misleading and its interpretation skewed. The notarized document does not quantitatively prove a conspiracy and does not suggest that Goff testified about fluoridation before HUAC. It only says that the Party discussed endorsing fluoridation. But even this is questionable. Of the items discussed in the notarized document, only water fluoridation fails to appear in Goff’s 138-page HUAC transcript. Also, his statement closely parallels the conspiracy allegations from the 1954 hearing Fluoridation of Water. Both discuss Communism in affiliation with sabotage, brainwashing, and government infiltration. This coincidence leads to the conclusion that Goff wrote the statement as a “professional ex-Communist” willing “to embroider his testimony to suit his patrons” in the antifluoridationist community (Schrecker, 50). Like other ex-Communists, Goff may have written a partially untrue statement condemning fluoridation in exchange for money. But despite his questionable credibility, opponents heavily emphasized Goff’s statement, thus showing that the existence of the conspiracy was more important than the evidence supporting it.

То есть, что Dr.Strangelove крайне реалистичный фильм (как, впрочем, и книги Кафки, Гашека и Салтыкова-Щедрина) я знал и раньше, но вот деталь с коммунистическим заговором по фторированию воды мне казалась все-таки некоторым преувеличением. Оказывается нет - все так и было :)

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2007-05-25 19:13 (ссылка)
Не везде это рассматривают как заговор коммунистов.

Но вообще - срочно смотреть фильм :)

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2007-05-26 17:39 (ссылка)
Где купить/скачать?

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2007-05-26 17:52 (ссылка)
Скачать - если не пугает отсутствие перевода - в ослике - это классика жанра и лежит его много, купить - например на Озоне (перевод вполне приличный, хотя некоторые шутки и испорчены - например "сall Omsk information" перевели, как "запросите информацию по Омску")

Но я вообще-то удивлен - я думал, что его все смотрели.

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2007-05-26 18:37 (ссылка)

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2007-05-26 20:34 (ссылка)

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