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I'm not calling him president because...well, I just don't want to I'm not happy and I don't care if anyone doesn't like me for not liking the leader of America (I'm not calling him president because...well, I just don't want to), but nobody better call me racist. I'm not.By all means, let there be a leader of different ethnicity/background/color/creed/sex, but don't let the majority of the vote be because of that alone and, because of that sole belief, believe everything they say about "change". What major can there really be in one term from someone who doesn't know what he's doing? Oh...and did anyone else feel uneasy when this now leader of America said he didn't like the national anthem and, moreso, doesn't even support it enough to salute/put his hand over his heart? Yeah...*cough*Такие дела
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