Thursday, December 19th, 2024 | makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
7:06 am |
From a Roman "pagan" point of view, Christianity is a return to the dominant worship of Saturn/Cronos, which the Jews also celebrated on Sabbath under the names of Sabaoth and Jehovah. It is as if the festival of Saturnalia spread all over the calendar.
Jesus then may be then seen as a loyal child of Saturn, as opposed to his half-brother Zeus, who was disloyal and rebellious.
No wonder many Greeks adopted Christianity with a remarkable ease as it promised a return to the Golden Age. |
Friday, December 13th, 2024 | makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
9:08 am |
Taqiyya is of fundamental importance in Islam. Practically every Islamic sect agrees to it and practices it ... We can go so far as to say that the practice of taqiyya is mainstream in Islam, and that those few sects not practicing it diverge from the mainstream ... Taqiyya is very prevalent in Islamic politics, especially in the modern era.
Raymond Ibrahim quoting Sami Makarem / Wiki/
"The authoritative Encyclopaedia of Islam, for example, simply states: “[T]here can be no question of genuine peace treaties [between Muslims and non-Muslims]… only truces, whose duration ought not, in principle, to exceed ten years, are authorized. But even such truces are precarious, inasmuch as they can, before they expire, be repudiated unilaterally should it appear more profitable for Islam to resume the conflict”—that is, if the opportunity to do “something better” presents itself."
"Moreover, the main point of my essay was not to demonstrate that Islam permits deceit during war—a phenomenon I indicated also prevails among many non-Muslim strategists as well—but to show that, for Islam, warfare with non-Muslims is eternal, “until all chaos ceases, and all religion belongs to Allah (Koran 8:39). Yet no one wrote denying this classical Islamic formulation of the world into Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam, which must be in perpetual war until the latter subsumes the former."
quite fascinating |
Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 | makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
5:51 am |
Re: The End of Woke? - James Lindsay and Triggernometry
What I don't like about this discourse is that "fascism" is deliberately mixed with conservative reaction and the German National Socialism and misapplied to any opposition or political alternative to the woke overreach/communist insurrection.
This conflation and mislabelling is extremely woke by its nature and may mislead people to believe that any strong power that rejects woke ideology in its entirety is a fascist scarecrow, waiting to build concentration camps and burn the Jews.
It is asinine, to say the least.
Historically, Italian fascism was not a reactionary movement, but rather a faction within a broad progressivist/socialist movement, diverging from orthodox Marxism, but not rejecting its end goals, i.e. brotherhood of all working people. Divergence from the communists was a rejection of a grassroots democracy of all the working class people, - the power in fascist structures was concentrated in the hands of the chosen few. This is not that far from USSR's practice of top-down socialism, except that USSR had practised theatrical democracy with workers playing a role of stooges, voting unanimously for the decisions made somewhere above at the top of the bureaucratic ladder.
Also fascism rejects the Marxian idea of class struggle, replacing it with a scheme of class unification and collaboration.
While Fascism was unashamedly elitarian, calling for a unity of the best people of the nation, the Soviet Socialist elite was hiding behind a thin theatrical decoration of the popular democracy.
German National Socialism was more of a pure socialism, rejecting both democracy as a hypocritical pretence and communism as a lie or a fiction (a Jewish lie / Christian fiction) and that was spelled out from the beginning (Hitler: "The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists.") and it had a strong admix of purely reactionary political elements. It was as theatrical as the USSR's Communism but with different scriptwriters and stage sets.
Yet Fascism and National Socialism had a common enemy - the bourgeois parliamentarian democracies of the West with their free enterprise and market economies; they were seen as a thing of the past, degenerate and unsalvageable. Soviets under Lenin and Stalin had the same enemy as well but were more radical in rejecting private property as such and individual entrepreneurship in its entirety. Hitler apparently planned to do the same, replacing private industrial magnates with his own Party-member bureaucrats, as soon as he wins the war; henceforth leaving only small private shops and farms in private hands. Mussolini was more open to the idea of private competition, but it had to be subordinate to the national interests as they are defined by the Fascist council.
And it is an irony of history that Fascism and National Socialism were losers in WWII while Soviet Communists and American Liberals together with British plutocrats went to be winners.
How about the Jews? Italian Fascism was had Jews in its foundation but drifted toward antisemitism during WWII due to pressure from Germany. On the other hand, Soviet Communists also had prominent Jews in its foundation but starting with Stalin's feud with Trotsky and Trotskyists it drifted toward rabid antisemitism, especially after WWII and the establishment of Israel, - as the Jews were now seen as carriers of dual loyalty, not pure international communists loyal to Moscow' Politburo.
This brings us finally to National Socialists and their dislike of the Jews for almost exactly the opposite reasons, - they were seen as loyal to international communism/bolshevism and/or plutocracy primarily.
This historical mess should not be allowed to create a logical mess in our current situation.
Thursday, November 28th, 2024 | makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
8:47 am |
Barack Obama turning into Mikhail Gorbachev: Pluralism as a return to the Leninist norms of the Communist leadership. |
Wednesday, November 27th, 2024 | makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
10:54 am |
| makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
8:53 am |
| makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
8:57 am |
Камала Харрис кстати опять в стельку. | makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
8:06 am |
Pre-emptive Stockholm syndrome: empathy and compassion expressed toward terrorists, rapists and kidnappers before they had a chance to attack you. | makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
7:46 am |
Выяснилось, что куры тоже могут орать петухами - особенно в пору полового созревания и установления иерархии в группе. Очень интересно, да.
Всё как у людей, особенно когда им жрать подваливают без ограничений, так что забот иных нету, кроме иерархических игр. |
Sunday, November 24th, 2024 | makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
9:28 am |
Я есть главная философская тайна. С юношеских лет я пытался сформулировать вопрос - "кто Я"... "почему Я" ... "отчего Я"... Почему я это я, а не кто-то другой. Если бы я был не я, то кто был бы я? И так далее. Дух бывало захватывало, но ни вопроса, ни тем паче ответа не складывалось. А потом надоедало. А потом опять по новой начиналось. Так и не отпускает. | makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
3:34 am |
Куры и политика. Власть женщин и героизм мужчин.
У нас в саду разгуливают, процветают, подрастают, откладывают яйца три поколения кур. Гибриды разнообразных пород, отобранных за годы практики. За два года практики. Младшее и среднее поколение - дети одного петуха, весьма джентльменского нрава и притом и вкусного необычайно. Мы не нарочно его пустили под нож. Он слишком громко кукарекал. Жена надела ему ошейник и ежедневно поправляла этот ошейник, делая его слегка потуже. Чем туже ошейник - тем труднее ему раздувать горло. Но он продолжал орать чуть ни свет ни заря, и кур топтал без устали, и опять орал в полдень. Мощный такой мужик. Ну вот он и попал таким образом на стол после очередной поправки.
Но цыплята, выведенные из яиц уже после его славной кончины, продолжают его род. Трое подростков, которым нет еще трех месяцев, и пятинедельная мелюзга, которая шебуршит в кустах и путается под ногами, но никаких хлопот не доставляет.
Из трех подростков двое оказались петухами. Это трагедия в общем-то. Петух в наших пригородах не жилец. Чуть раньше или чуть позже, но придется ему придется переселиться в небесный курятник, оставив тушку на пропитание рода людского. Кукарекать свободно не разрешается. И жена к этим петушиным проявлениям естества особенно чувствительна.
Начал орать один, который на два дня старше, и жена заперла его в коробке, а коробку убрала в гараж.
На следующий день начал пробовать голос второй. Оказалось, что когда доминантный петух вопит, субдоминантный помалкивает. А если доминантного засунуть в кутузку, у субдоминантного праздник на душе и благорастворение воздухов. Попробовали запирать обеих в гараже. Тоже не очень.
Подросткового возраста курочка чувствует себя одиноко, разве что вены не режет и татуировки не делает, но явно ей не по себе.
Взяли и пустили всех троих к старшим курицам, за загородку. Вот тут и получилась куриная политика с феминизмом. Старшие куры начали немедленно клевать этих вот молодых петухов. Прицельно так. Как только высунется из-под куста - тюк! К кормушке побежит - тюк! Попробует кукарекать - все яйцекладущие матроны тут же тюкать начинают. Курица низшая по рангу, самая глупая из четверки, самая слабая насчет откладывания яиц, оказалась самой усердной в этом петюкании. Когда альфа и бета самки уже успокоились и натюкались, эта сволочь продолжала бегать за молодыми петушками и клевать их в афедрон.
Этой властью матриархов была пресечена попытка молодых мужчин прославиться громкими криками.
Между тем эти матроны приходятся молодежи если не мамами, то мачехами или тетками.
Не это ли есть зеркало нашего человеческого социального устройства? |
Saturday, November 16th, 2024 | makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
9:40 pm |
Хуй просыпается, когда из мрака выходит с персями пурпурными Эос. В эту же минуту молодой петух начинает пробовать голос, издавая слабые звуки "Уээээа". Утро воскресное хмурое, я тоже хмурый. Вчера были гости, далекие от совершенства и утомили нас с женой. Но хуй неутомлен совершенно, он решительно указывает путь к светлому будущему, как рука бронзового Ильича. Делать нечего, встаю, выхожу в коридор и через столовую, отмечая, что сейчас ровно 5:30 утра, крадусь туда ... (лакуна, заполняемая читательским воображением)
Двумя часами позже просыпается желудочно - кишечный аппарат. Сначала насчет опорожниться, получасом спустя насчет наполниться. Всё это время настойчиво лает золотистый ретривер Тревис. Односложно, с перерывами, иногда взвизгивая. Как и желудочно-кишечный аппарат.
Cуть и смысл синхронизации этих природных явлений остаются для меня загадкой. ... Дописываю, вернувшись из прогулки по фейсбуку и твиттеру пса Тревиса - то есть по всем кустам и обочинам, где суки оставляют свои ольфакторные сообщения. На все эти сообщения Тревис ответил с отдачей. Заодно и покакал преизобильно. Однако ни одна сука ему не встретилась, увы, опять попрятались они в окошки отдельных квартир. | makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
1:14 pm |
Feminism would be fine if it did not empower some monsters who happen to have a vagina. No, scratch that. Feminism is a wile ruse to turn masses of women into the cheap corporate workforce, miserable and exploited every day, - by wiggling a carrot of some elitarian women having all the fun, liberty and money that gives another level of freedom. A handful of them on the top of the social pyramid have careers to be shown on TV (carrot), while millions of the rest of the females have jobs that turn them into miserable desexed slaves (donkey that pulls the corporate cart). All this wonderful scheme results in a radical drop in the birthrate, so the next step is to import more and more third-world savages to fill the growing gap between us. | makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
12:40 pm |
I am OK with DEI hire as soon as the DEI hire understands it completely and takes responsibility for being a puppet of the people who pull his/her/their strings. It is entertaining for us and embarrassing for a puppet. But perhaps, like in Pinocchio's tale, all this theatrics and awkwardness would stimulate this wooden doll/savage unproductive idiot to grow into a real boy/girl/whatever.
I am not OK with DEI hire if he/she/them is stupid enough not to understand this basic reality and pretend to be on the same level as the people who go through all the hurdles of the real hiring process, - get trained, pass IQ tests, obtain licenses etc etc etc. Or worse - the DEI hire understands everything completely but is a machiavellian sociopath, who uses DEI as a shield of invincibility, attacking the rest of us with no fear of retaliation, knowing that his/her/their masters will come to the rescue with all the might of the woke government apparatus. | makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
10:47 am |
«В расизме повинюсь!» — «Не надо извиняться, Досуг мне разбирать вины твои, коза! Ты виновата тем, что хочется ебаться». Сказал и темный хуй Блондинке показал. | makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
1:21 am |
OnlyFans star power. "А ты добейся".
Ага, не добьёшься ты того, чтобы пролетарские массы на тебя мастурбировали, жадно лапали экраны коллективным сознанием, испускали тонны спермы в канализацию.
Никогда не добьёшься ты такой демократической власти. Власти, снисходящей к немытым вонючим массам. Власти удовлетворящией эти массы движением отдельных частей тела. Работы на полчаса, а потом Свобода. Даже не свобода, а ШВАБОДА. А ведь в этом и есть суть "демократии".
Так что заткнись и завидуй молча, урод. И голосуй за НАС. Ты что, совсем дурак чтобы голосовать против тех, кто тебя удовлетворяет в любое время? |
Friday, November 15th, 2024 | makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
11:44 pm |
Modern democrats developed a marketing strategy that requires their functionaries to talk in different ways with different words --- depending on what "oppressed" minority they are talking to. Kamala Harris, a talent Hollywood sadly missed, raised the plank by talking in different accents as well.
The Democrats represent nobody but a tiny group of Elitarians with no real jobs and an extremely expensive belief system. Sort of a Popular Dentist's Wife mindset. Talking points over a cup of latte, exhortations shared with a Successful Lawyer's Wife.
As soon as they express care and compassion toward every minority group, each described in extremely different ways, they feel empowered beyond the reach of unwashed masses who undoubtedly want to be as powerful as these chattering celebrity boss gals (spicy variety: a billionaire pederast chatting with his catamite or Taylor Swift chatting with Rolling Stone' journo). |
Wednesday, November 13th, 2024 | makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
6:09 am |
Scientism: excessive belief in the power of scientific knowledge and techniques
In its radical form, scientism as a religious order destroys actual science, replacing scientists with high priests of scientism. When it is busy time to worship Science the almighty and put the bishops of the new order into palaces, real science with its complicated reasoning and mathematical apparatus is but a pesky distraction and diversion of funds from the important people to some nutjobs with no social skills nor money.
Scientism is to science is what democratism is to democracy.
Democratism: excessive belief in the power of democratic social order, the Democratic Party and its values.
Please update your vocabularies. |
Monday, November 11th, 2024 | makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
11:34 am |
Thursday, November 7th, 2024 | makes no claim to the content supplied through this journal account. Articles are retrieved via a public feed supplied by the site for this purpose. |
7:03 am |
In all the truth, for me personally it was enough to watch Racheal Maddow or Whoopi Goldberg for 2-3 seconds to hate the Democrats and their so-called elite for another 2-3 years.
I was disappointed in Donald Trump during his first term, but alas, there is no better medicine for the desease of the West; second dose should do the job or we are all doomed. |