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Thursday, May 22nd, 2014
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2:19p |
Наверно, меня чересчур бесит термин "обратный карго культ". Вспоминаю его каждый раз, когда читаю такие истории: Then, a federal judge entered an order of contempt against me – without even so much as a hearing. But the judge created a loophole: without a hearing, I was never given the opportunity to object, let alone make any any substantive defense, to the contempt change. Without any objection (because I wasn't allowed a hearing), the appellate court waived consideration of the substantive questions my case raised – and upheld the contempt charge, on the grounds that I hadn't disputed it in court. Since the US supreme court traditionally declines to review decided on wholly procedural grounds, I will be permanently denied justice.Но, конечно, обитель Зла -- это Россия. И пока существует Россия, всё зло вне её несущественно. |