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Пишет llsnk ([info]llsnk)
@ 2010-02-25 16:28:00

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Всюду жизнь
"Hello All,
My name is Jerry and I work at a Children's Hospital in Calgary. I work with kids with very limited mobility. One of our kids is dying of a cancerous brain tumor and the one thing he really loves to do is play Rome: Total War. Because of his limited mobility he cannot use a mouse to play the game. We have set him up with a head pointing device which allows him to use a reflective sticker on his forehead and a camera tracks his head movements to move the mouse accordingly."

Курсив мой.

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2010-02-25 17:23 (ссылка)
This life has too much sorrow in it for me. :'(

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2010-02-25 17:32 (ссылка)
Are you being polite or genuinely interested?

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2010-02-25 17:59 (ссылка)
As regards your entry here? I have spent much time in hospital around chronically ill children who spend most of their lives in hospital, in and out. It's extremely sad both for them and their parents.

I assumed this entry was not about you from reading your profile, but I didn't know.

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2010-02-25 18:47 (ссылка)
It's not about me, I've picked it off a forum thread.
I was curious about your motives because you seem to comment entries in this blog in response to me commenting in yours.

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2010-02-25 18:55 (ссылка)
Actually, the other day I was going back over all my entries and re-reading the comments, and I found an old one by you. I can't remember now if I had answered it or not, but it was a nice comment, so I went to read your journal and decided to friend you. So, no, today, I made a comment because I saw this entry on my friends page. I try to read all my friends' entries, and if I can understand them, I make a comment. If I can't understand, then I just stay out of it so I don't annoy people too much.

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2010-02-26 11:10 (ссылка)
Well, the following may sound rude, but I'll put it as blunt as it comes to my mind. I don't like your niceness, it has a train-wreck-survivor-shocked-numb flavor to it, it implies a background of days spent in awkward misery which I don't want to delve into. So, without getting too personal, I would really appreciate less self-restraint on your part. It won't hurt.

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2010-02-26 11:33 (ссылка)
Did you 'pick that off' another forum thread -- or are you just naturally ill-tempered? No, dun answer that. I really dun care either way.

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2010-02-26 11:37 (ссылка)
Well, either way -- have craic.

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