Garlic Monster - November 3rd, 2008

November 3rd, 2008

November 3rd, 2008
07:36 pm


stand in front of the camera and smile

Луркмор опять воспосредствовал обнаружению доставляющего: инструкция по прохождению Лучшей Игры Всех Времен и Народов Deus Ex в стиле ебанутого маньяка. Дико смешной текст, особенно если учитывать жанровую специфику предмета.

Take the east wing first. Kill everyone you meet and keep the alarm running to bring them on. When no-one else is coming to assail you, shoot the windows leading to the helipad and keep the alarm going. When you're satisfied that no-one else is coming yet, go upstairs in the east wing.

Stand in front of the camera and smile. Shoot a few rounds of pool, get something to eat and take a long drink from the water cooler.

Take a plant and throw it onto the pool table to see something unusual. Trying this with a crate of Boom has to be one of the most disturbing things you'll ever see.


Go to the Mellotron Hotel and in through the fire escape window. Put Lebedev on the bed and transfer all the Boom into the kitchen. Save now, because things will get pretty hairy. Do NOT talk to Paul, and keep well away from him, because it will all go to shit when he speaks.

И так далее и тому подобное. Шизоидное совершенно.

Current Mood: working
Current Music: Asva - What You Don't Know Is Frontier - Christopher Columbus

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