Это не есть ресантиман, это есть детурнеман - July 22nd, 2015

July 22nd, 2015

July 22nd, 2015
11:12 am
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Entry tags: кинчик
A c u l e a t a. Today is a day for truth. The lj.rossia.org needs to know what happened, and to know what he stands for. That kind of gay power is dangerous. Let the poll show that the Board of Trustees holds him responsible.

T i p h a r e t h. So it goes. The butthurt that turns good jews cruel.

M e t a l l i c _ c a t. This shit-eating fagot is like a one-man reign of bans and suspendings.

P a p e r d a e m o n. You don't get to decide what the right chaognosis is. Nobody cares about Lookatmoron taking on the Kaloedin.

M o r o n ' s   m o m. This means something. It's all some anons have. It's all that gives them hope. People hate any kind of sexual activities they don't understand. Be their hero, Moron. Be their gay angel, be their stoned monument, be anything they need you to be. Or be none of it. You don't owe this Russian world a thing. You never did.

T u b a r e t h   (to   A c u l e a t a). Do you know the oldest lie in Kukarethnik, dura? Devils don't come from @torquemada_hell beneath us. They come from the sky with diamonds.

K a l o e d i n. Ten years in Tipharethnik, how many good users are left? How many stayed that way? He has the power to macaque out the entire server. And we have to destroy him.

T i p h a r e t h. You're gonna go to ljr_sankcii? He is not our enemy!

T u b a r e t h. Gray and violet, unhuman versus jew, gay versus math! The gray aliens are coming. The gray aliens are coming. Shrushka must be destroyed.

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