Это не есть ресантиман, это есть детурнеман - April 4th, 2016

April 4th, 2016

April 4th, 2016
11:17 am
[User Picture]


"Could LJ.ROSSIA.ORG ban anonymous?"
Yes, of course it could. The real question is: Should it?

And the answer is a resounding TAK TOCHNO! But that's only a start.

Russkij Narod's timing and sense of direction is lousy. Russkie got totalitarized at the wrong time, and charged at the wrong targets.

NOW is the time to Stalin up and get busy. Lots and lots of Spring cleaning to be done.

Come on, Misha! Snap to it! Show some decent Repressii, just for once, and start the ball rolling on cleansing Tipharethnik of the anonymous filth, then the rest of the Internet...

...atakzhe finally, WHOLE EHTOT YOBANNYJ MIR!


We want a clean and wholesome world. Govna anonymnye are not part of it. Nor anyone or anything that even looks like it might resemble them.

So off your jopes boys and lead the way! It's in your blood. Ours too. As we all know only too well. Slava B-gu!

Junk the guilt trip. There's work to be done.

Ognjom i mechom and all that! :)


In fact, lots of cheering. And stomping. Shrushka must be destroyed.

P.S. We need a song. Y'know — something to march by. Any suggestions? I was thinking along the lines of idi, gafurka, nahuj. That kind of thing. ;) :)

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