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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2010-04-10 14:58:00

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Алфавит и орнаменты.

Алфавит и орнаменты.15-17 век.

Formerly attributed to Antoine Jacquard - Philippe Millot

Print made by Israhel van Meckenem 1485

==================Алфавит.Israhel van Meckenem.1480-1488============

Print made by Israhel van Meckenem

Israhel van Meckenem (Print made by); Leaf 1: Letters A, B, C, D;

Print made by Israhel van Meckenem
1480-1488 (c.)
Leaf 2: Letters E, F, G, H;

Leaf 5: Letters R, S, T, V (U); the letters are filled with ornamental foliage and flowers; aligned in two rows; the sheet had been cut horizontally in two halves, restored. c. 1485

Leaf 6: Letters X, Y, Z, T; the letters are filled with ornamental foliage and flowers; aligned in two rows. c. 1485

Leaf 4: Letters N, O, P, Q; the letters are filled with ornamental foliage and flowers; aligned in two rows. c. 1485

Israhel van Meckenem (Print made by); Leaf 3: Letters I, K, L, M;


Print made by François de Poilly I
Two from a series of five designs for box lids and smelling salt bottles: a rectangular design with foliage in blackwork surrounding a scene in an oval representing Hercules and the Nemean lion, and oval design with foliage in blackwork surrounding a representation of Minerva. c.1660/93

==============Antoine Jacquard-Philippe Millot==============

Орнаменты для шкатулок, часов и ювелирных изделий.


Print made by Philippe Millot
Design for watch case or box lid: a contemporary couple paying homage to Venus and Cupid; oval frame with winged figures, grotesques and foliage scrolls, in blackwork. 1610/12

Formerly attributed to Antoine Jacquard
Print made by Philippe Millot
Square design for goldsmiths, with foliage scrolls and flowers on a dark background; imitation of blackwork. c.1650/60

Formerly attributed to Antoine Jacquard
Print made by Philippe Millot

Formerly attributed to Antoine Jacquard
Print made by Philippe Millot

Print made by Antoine Jacquard
A set of six plates, each of them composed of two friezes and an oval design with mythological scenes or dials; blackwork. c.1610/30

Print made by Antoine Jacquard
A set of six plates, each of them composed of two friezes and an oval design with mythological scenes or dials; blackwork. c.1610/30

Joseph resisting the advances of Potiphar's wife, in a reversed clock frame, surrounded by flowers and foliage in blackwork. c.1610/40

======================Jean Bourguet=========================

Goldsmith and engraver. 1702 - 1723. Active in Paris.
Орнаменты для алфавитов, шкатулок, часов и ювелирных изделий.

A set of twelve ornament prints, including a title-page, with designs for snuff boxes and clocks: foliage scrolls, figurative scenes, alphabet, acanthus scrolls, grotesques, with some blackwork. 1723

Print made by Jean Bourguet

Он прожил всего 21 год.

============Jakob von der Heyden, after designs by Jean Toutin.=====

A complete set of twelve ornament prints, Dutch copies in reverse after Jean Toutin, each one of them representing a design in blackwork with pea pods, accompanied with a small scene involving figures. c.1620/60

А это гравюры в первоначальном варианте: Jean Toutin

======================== из BibliOdyssey============================
series of seven plates of jewellery designs surrounded by small scenes, published by Jean Toutin in Châteaudun, 1618/19. Toutin (d. 1644) was a goldsmith, enamellist and ornamental engraver.


(Добавить комментарий)

2010-04-10 08:39 (ссылка)
Вот спасибо! Кем же вы работаете, что успеваете такие полноценные обзоры делать?

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2010-04-10 10:10 (ссылка)
Я сейчас не работаю, а про работу см. первый пост:)

(Ответить) (Уровень выше)

2010-04-10 09:16 (ссылка)
интересная подборка, спасибо!


2010-04-10 10:01 (ссылка)
Тонкая работа, однако.


2010-04-11 03:55 (ссылка)
очень люблю орнаменты и алфавивиты.
Предпоследняя хороша. С жуками.
А вот главный персонаж - это кто? Муха такая?


2010-04-12 04:30 (ссылка)
Спасибо! Необыкновенно изящщно. Немею.


2010-12-09 17:12 (ссылка)
Это Вам (нам) не конструктивизм и не минимализм... :(
