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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2010-04-23 16:06:00

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Louis Léopold Boilly (1761 - 1845).Живопись

Louis Léopold Boilly (1761 - 1845).Живопись

Lady at Her Toilet
1.The joy of motherhood, 1796.
2.Painter. Mid-1780s
Он мастер бытовых и жанровых сценок и блестящий карикатурист, по его работам можно изучать костюм и нравы конца 18- начала 19 века.

L'oiseau privé - Boilly - Louvre Museum


The improvised concert, or The price of harmony, 1790.

The jealous old man, 1791.
Старый ревнивец

Those who inspire love extinguish it, or The philosopher, 1790.

The Visit Received, 1789.

The joy of motherhood, 1796.


A Lady Seated at Her Desk
Oil on canvas, 46 x 39 cm
Private collection

Lady at Her Toilet
Oil on canvas, 48 x 38 cm
Private collection

c. 1785
Oil on canvas, 41 x 32 cm
The Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Louis-Leopold Boilly (1761-1845)
The Amateur Print Collectors
Oil on canvas

Woman showing her portrait, ca. 1790.

The sorrows of love, 1790.

A woman and a young boy are looking at various prints through a magnifying glass; antique vase and guitar in the background.
circa 1790

The Dead Mouse, c.1793
Louis Léopold Boilly

(b. 1761, La Bassé, d. 1845, Paris)

At the Entrance , Between 1796 and 1798
Boilly, Louis-Leopold

The Dispute of the Rose

-----------------Бытовые сценки-------------------

The Geography Lesson (Portrait of Monsieur Gaudry and His Daughter)


Game of Blind Man's Buff , 1780s
Boilly, Louis-Leopold

Young Woman Ironing, 1800, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

La Bouquetiere

Houdon in His Studio / Boilly

Houdon in His Studio / Boilly


Madame Vincent, 1820, oil on canvas.

Gabrielle Arnault as a Child
c. 1815
Oil on canvas, 21 x 16 cm
Musйe du Louvre, Paris

The Gohin family, 1787.

Interior with Mother and Child - Peinture internationale néoclassique - New Pinacothek of Munich


Incroyable et Merveilleuse in Paris, 1797

Point de Convention ("Absolutely no agreement")

A vaccinator vaccinating a young child held by its mother, with other members of the household looking on. Oil painting by L.-L. Boilly, 1807[?]


Game of Billiards
Oil on canvas, 56 x 81 cm
The Hermitage, St. Petersburg

The Arrival of a Stage-coach in the Courtyard of the Messageries
Oil on canvas, 62 x 108 cm
Musйe du Louvre, Paris

Politicians in the Tuileries Gardens , 1832
Boilly, Louis-Leopold


Still-Life of Flowers in a Glass Vase

Графику: любовные сценки, сатиру, гримасы и очень смешные карикатуры на медицинскую тему не успела выложить- будут во второй части.


Мода и модники конца 18-начала 19 века-ТУТ
Мода 70-90-х годов 18 века.-ТУТ

Еще много работ:

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2010-04-23 14:18 (ссылка)
Спасибо! Великолепный художник. Мне ранние работы больше нравятся за счет этого приема - противопоставления серого и яркого. Получается очень изысканное цветовое решение.


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