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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2010-04-26 13:41:00

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Louis Léopold Boilly (1761-1845). Часть 2. Графика и сатира.

Louis Léopold Boilly. Графика.

Le Concert

Сравнение ножек
Comparison of Little Feet
Chaponnier, Alexandre. Author of Origin Boilly, Louis Leopold (original painting)

As a young man kisses a young lady's hand another shuts the door against another man gettting into the room. Engraving by Petit after Boilly.

Nous étions Deux, nous voila Trois (And baby makes three)

Prend ce Biscuit (Have a biscuit)

L'Amant favorisé

La Folie du Jour

Девять месяцев

Caricature with a youth with a monkey teasing a dog held by a girl; copied after Boilly. October 1824
Hand-coloured lithograph

La pièce curieuse


After Louis Léopold Boilly
Print made by J F Cazenave
A young woman and a boy standing next to a table looking at prints through an optical viewer; a proof before title. c.1790

Woman in white dress with white shawl wrapped around the chest, standing near a tree, a book in her hand

A Girl at a Window - France 1700-1800 - National Gallery


Heads of twenty-nine artists. Stipple engraving by A. Clement after L.L. Boilly.
By: Louis-Léopold Boilly after: A. Clement

==============Бытовые сценки========================

A young woman of humble origins, surrounded by children, is being told by a fortune teller that she will have a happy marriage. Stipple by Constans after Boilly, 1780/1795.
1780-1795 after: C. Constans

A woman is holding a child in her arms and her sister is standing on tiptoe trying to reach her. Lithograph by Delpech after L. Boilly.

A small boy places his grandfather's wig and hat on his younger sister; the grandfather looks on with amusement.

A child standing on a chair and powdering a woman's face; a maidservant stands to the right. Photogravure after L.L. Boilly


Getty Museum Acquires L' Entrée au Jardin Turc by Louis Léopold Boilly
The Entrance to the Turkish Garden

Louis-Léopold Boilly, 1761-1845
Le Concert (The Concert), 19th century

Louis-Léopold Boilly (1761-1845)
Les Amateurs de Café
Paris: 1827

Пять человек, каждый из которых олицетворяет одно из пяти чувств. Coloured lithograph after L.-L.Boilly.

--------------------Гримасы и людские типы----------

Louis Léopold Boilly - Les grimaces


Two boys tease a carnival reveller wearing a grotesque mask, while a third boy blows a horn.

Finissez Donc.

La Punition.

Les Cancans.

Les Grimaces

Попрошайки.Les Gueux (The Beggars).

Les Savoyardea.

Rejouissances Publiques. Depart pour les distributions.


A group of five heads; three men smoking pipes and a cigar and two ugly women taking snuff. Coloured lithograph by F-S. Delpech, c. 1825, after L. Boilly.

A group of five heads; three men smoking pipes and a cigar and two ugly women taking snuff. Coloured lithograph by F-S. Delpech, c. 1825, after L. Boilly.

-----------------Нюхание табака----------------------


A bizarre physiognomical caricature with a figure pointing to another's sore eye. Oil painting by a follower of Louis-Léopold Boilly

Антиквары с лупами
Five antiquaries look through magnifying glasses at objects. Coloured lithograph after L. Boilly, 1823.
1823 By: Louis-Léopold Boilly

A group of deformed men force one of their number to vomit in a bowl. Coloured lithograph by F-S. Delpech after L. Boilly, 1823.


A physician vaccinating a child surrounded by its mother, family and other children waiting to be vaccinated. Process print after a lithograph (?) after a painting by L. Boilly, 1807.

Doctor vaccinating a young child after L. Boilly, 1827.

Five decrepit doctors crushed together in consultation.

Five decrepit doctors crushed together in consultation. Coloured lithograph by F-S. Delpech after L. Boilly, c. 1823.

Молодые модники-доктора
A group of young, fashionable doctors. Coloured lithograph by F-S. Delpech after L. Boilly, 1823.
1823 By: Louis-Léopold Boilly after: Franc̜ois-Séraphin Delpech

Разные типы очков
Five people looking through various types of spectacles.. Colour lithograph by F.S. Delpech after L.L. Boilly.

Искусственные протезы- глаз и челюсть.
'Les epoux assortis', elderly man and woman taking their eye and tooth
out, respectively
Lithograph 1825 after: Louis Leopold Boilly

A medical practitioner administers leeches to a patient.
A faint looking woman is supported by a companion as the doctor carefully applies the leeches to her neck. A young boy stands in the foreground holding a glass container of leeches.

Карикатура на модный толда "магнетизм".
Caricature: Le magnetisme.

--------------------Зубные врачи---------------------

L.L. Boilly, Cold Steel

A tooth-drawer extracting a tooth from a grimacing patient. Coloured lithograph by D. Alexander after L. Boilly.


A barber shaving a man who looks extremely fearful



Boilly L'effet du mélodrame

L Boilly Une loge

DRAFT Trade card of Corcellet, grocer

Louis Léopold Boilly : Faisons la Paix (Make Peace)

Avarice in the Kitchen, from a series of prints depicting the Seven Deadly Sins, c.1850

Louis Léopold Boilly

А эти две гравюры у меня были, но автор указан другой- хотя рука и манера явно Boilly:

Fairholt, F. W. (Frederick William)

Fairholt, F. W. (Frederick William)
Les Fumeurs et les Priseurs

Louis Léopold Boilly- Part 1-HERE-ТУТ
