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Зевс и Ганимед. История похищения и любви. Похищение Ганимеда Зевсом.16-19 век.Живопись, графика, скульптура.Похищение Ганимеда. Print made by Giulio Campagnola.1500-1516 Albert Haelwegh After Karel van Mander III 1630-1650 Ганимед — в греческой мифологии прекрасный юноша, сын троянского царя Троса и Каллирои. Из-за своей необыкновенной красоты Ганимед, когда он пас отцовские стада на склонах Иды, был похищен Зевсом — перенесён орлом Зевса на Олимп. По другим толкованиям- Зевс сам превратился в орла. Portrait of Ganymede. Ganymede's pose reproduces (and reverses) that of the statue of Paris by Greek 4th century BC sculptor Euphranor . Roman copy of the Imperial Era (2nd century CE), found in 1784 near the tomb of Cecilia Metella Berlin painter, Ganymede with cockerel and hoop, ca. 500-490 bC. Mosaïque de l'enlèvement de Ganymède, Musée de Sousse incisione della statua del Ganimede dei Musei vaticani (1785 ca Ганимед - один из популярнейших персонажей античного изобразительного искусства. Особенно распространён был сюжет «похищение Ганимеда» (в роли похитителя изображался сам Зевс, позднее - орёл). Отец Ганимеда Трос получил в утешение золотую лозу гефестовой работы, пару коней и уверения, что сын его станет бессмертным. Есть мифы, в которых утверждается, что до похищения Зевсом Ганимед был похищен Эос и стал её возлюбленным. Похищение Ганимеда описано у Гомера теми же словами, что и похищение Клита Эос. Drawn by Anonymous Date 16thC Ganymede, nude and looking to right, with his arm around the eagle Red chalk Ganymede. Engraving by J. Worlidge, London, 1768. Print made by Francesco Bartolozzi After Giovanni Battista Cipriani 1790-1791 (circa) Ему была дарована вечная юность. Согласно поэтам, на Олимпе он стал виночерпием на пирах богов, сменив на этом посту Гебу, и стал любимцем Зевса. Согласно Аристотелю, он назван «виночерпием» Зевса,по Цицерону, он подает богам нектар и амброзию. ---------------------Похищение Зевсом---------------------- Attributed to Baccio Baldini 1464 (circa) Jupiter; the deity in the sky identified by an inscription: 'GIOVE' riding a chariot drawn by eagles; in front of him Ganymede kneeling; the wheels of the chariot with signs of the zodiac inscribed: 'SAGITARIO' and 'PISCE'; below the various occupations of men of different distinction and wealth: hunters, falconers, courtiers and poets crowned with laurel garlands (the latter represented by Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio reading in a classical structure). c.1464 Print made by Giulio Campagnola 1500-1516 The rape of Ganymede who is being carried off by Jupiter in the form of an eagle, with a landscape below. c.1500/3 Engraving ====================Michelangelo ========================== After Michelangelo 1542-1560 The rape of Ganymede by Jupiter as an eagle carrying him into the heavens, while his dog barks below, after a composition by Michelangelo. c.1542 Engraving After Michelangelo Published by Philippe Thomassin Ganimedis Iuvenis Troianus raptus a Iove 1585-1622 The rape of Ganymede by Jupiter as a eagle after the drawing by Michelangelo; a barking dog has been added in the foreground and a landscape in the distance with a circular tower, city and seaport Print made by Nicolas Beatrizet The rape of Ganymede by Jupiter as an eagle carrying him into the heavens, while his dog barks below, after a composition by Michelangelo. 1542 MICHELANGELO Buonarroti The Rape of Ganymede c. 1533 Black chalk, 19 x 33 cm Fogg Art Museum, Cambridgе MICHELANGELO Buonarroti The Fall of Phaeton c. 1533 Black chalk, 41,3 x 23,4 cm Royal Library, Windsor Print made by Coryn Boel After Michelangelo Intermediary draughtsman David Teniers the Younger The rape of Ganymede by Jupiter as an eagle carrying him into the heavens, while his dog barks below, after a composition by Michelangelo. c.1656-1660 The rape of Ganymede by Jupiter as an eagle carrying him into the heavens, after a composition by Michelangelo turned into the form of a cameo. c.1812 ---------------------------------------- Michiel Coxcie (Drawn by); The Rape of Ganymede by Jupiter, study for a print; with two nymphs and two dogs below 1414-1592 Print made by Giulio Bonasone Date 1531-1576 Ganymede and Jupiter who is laying on the ground, resting on his right hand. Etching Engraving after Damiano Mazza Ratto di Ganimede, now at the National Gallery, in London. Print made by Girard Audran After Titian Date 1660-1703 Print made by Albert Haelwegh After Karel van Mander III 1630-1650 Jupiter as an eagle carrying off the child Ganymede who is held by his clothes in his talons, above the gods sit on Olympus; after van Mander Etching and engraving rape of Ganymede; the nude young man carries a bow and is carried into the sky by Jupiter in the form of an eagle; after a painting formerly attributed to Titian, now to Damiano Mazza. 1770 The Rape of Ganymede; Jupiter as an eagle, carrying the infant Ganymede, one claw under his arm, his dress in his beak, while the boy holds a cluster of grapes and looks back over his shoulder, crying; after Rembrandt; with scratched inscription. 1795 Jeu des fables / Jupiter et Ganymede playing-card; Stefano della Bella Print made by Elisha Kirkall 1717 The story of Orpheus, shown charming the beasts as he plays a violin to right, charming the three-headed dog guarding the underworld in the foreground, as Eurydice is dragged away by demons, with other scenes of metamorphoses in the background, including Daphne turning into a laurel tree, and Jove as an eagle carrying off Ganymede at the top of the page After Parmigianino 1835 Rape of Ganymede; the nude young man carries a bow and is carried into the sky by Jupiter in the form of an eagle; octagonal; after a painting formerly attributed to Titian, now to Damiano Mazza; illustration for John Young's 'Catalogue of the Celebrated Collection of Pictures of ... John Julius Angerstein'. 1823 Ganymede being lifted by the eagle; after a drawing by Perger after a painting by Correggio. c.1821/28 Compertimentorum quod vocant multiplex genus lepidissimis historumque fabellis ornatum Hieronymus Cock The Rape of Ganymede; Zeus in the guise of an eagle carrying off the shepherd, two dogs below; in a roundel within ornamental cartouche; unsigned; after Jacob Floris. 1566 Jupiter riding a horse drawn carriage at left, Ganymede in the form of an eagle carries a woman in the upper centre, below sits Venus and to the right the three Graces Engraving -----------------Зевс(Юпитер) и Ганимед------------ =====================Zeus and Ganymed==================== Print made by Léon Davent After Luca Penni (?) After Francesco Primaticcio Юпитер, орел, Ганимед среди богов Jupiter enthroned, his eagle and Ganymede at his feet, surrounding by deities carrying branches; on the left, Cupid, Venus, Mars and Hercules; behind Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune and Mercury; on the right, Minerva with a sphinx at her feet; in the lower part, cartouche flanked by putti. 1547 Etching Зевс среди богов René Boyvin (Attributed to); Pierre Milan (Print made by); Francesco Primaticcio (After); Composition for ceiling, with Jupiter on a cloud Print made by Giulio Bonasone 1531-1576 Jupiter and Juno received in the Heavens by Ganymede and Hebe Engraving 1545-1560 Был ли Ганимед любовником Зевса — вопрос дискуссионный, и разные авторы отвечали на него по-разному. Согласно Еврипиду, он живет на Олимпе и делит ложе с Зевсом. Миф, переданный в несколько измененном виде Гомером, приобрел необычайную популярность в Греции и Риме, поскольку казалось, что он давал религиозное оправдание страсти мужчин к мальчикам. Платон, много писавший на тему гомоксесуальных отношений, использует миф о Ганимеде, объясняя свои "сентиментальные чувства" по отношению к ученикам. При этом в других своих трудах (например, он клеймит однополую любовь как противную человеческой природе, а мифическую гомосексуальность Зевса, называет "злобной выдумкой критян". Стефан Византийский, пишет, что критский царь Минос похитил Ганимеда, чтобы сделать из него напарника для своих ночных развлечений, "получив на это разрешение от Зевса". --------------------Поцелуй Зевса------------------------- After Wilhelm Böttner Zeus, seated on eagle, embraces Ganymede with wine jug. c.1790-1800 Print made by Johann Georg Pentzel After Hermann Vogel In an oval, Jupiter kissing Ganymede surrounded by clouds; after Vogel; illustration to an unidentified publication. 1785 Print made by Cherubino Alberti Jupiter embracing Ganymede set within a roundel; from a series of nine prints after Polidoro da Caravaggio. 1590 Ганимед подает нектар богам Print made by Giovanni Antonio Faldoni After Parmigianino Date 1724 A nude youth (Ganymede?) seen from behind holding up a ewer and cup with a crowd drinking in the background, after a drawing by Parmigianino. 1724, as reprinted in 1786 Ганимед подает нектар богам Print made by Hendrick van der Borcht the Younger Ganymede; after Parmigianino (Popham OR 61); walking to left; holding a cup in his left hand and a vase in his right hand; from a series of etchings after Parmigianino drawings then in the Arundel collection; another impression on blue paper. 1638 -------------------19 век------------- J. H. Baker, Ganymede. Engraving after E. S. Bartholomew (1860). F. Kirchbach (egraving after), (1892) - The rape of Ganymede Kenneth G. Kendall (b.1921) The Rape of Ganymede. 1952 printed by Lynton Kistler lithograph Ganimede - Walker, K. - Ganymede - 1900 - Decorazione della National Library di NY. По некоторым авторам, Ганимед помещён Зевсом на небо в виде созвездия Водолей Созвездие Водолей, происхождение которого связывают с Ганимедом, первоначально соотносилось с египетским богом истока Нила, "выливавшим" священную реку из своего сосуда. Поскольку Нил мало волновал греков, произошло замещение замещение воды на вино, а порождающего бога - на прислужника богов. =======================Живопись========= Renaissance panel ceiling by Baldassare Peruzzi entitled "The Rape of Ganymede." (c. 1509-14). Villa Farnesina, Rome, Italy. Корреджо (1489 или 1494 - 1534) Похищение Ганимеда Mazza, Damiano The Rape of Ganymede, 1575 FRANCO, Battista The Battle of Montemurlo and the Rape of Ganymede 1537-41 Oil on wood, 137 x 173 cm Galleria Palatina (Palazzo Pitti), Florence REMBRANDT Harmenszoon van Rijn Rape of Ganymede 1635 Oil on canvas, 171 x 130 cm Gemäldegalerie, Dresden RUBENS, Pieter Pauwel The Abduction of Ganymede 1611-12 Oil on canvas, 203 x 203 cm Schwarzenberg Palace, Vienna Jupiter and Ganymede (after) Francesco Albani Gabbiani, Anton Domenico The Rape of Ganymede, 1700 Charles Natoire : Jupiter enlevant Ganymède. (ovale) Très belle composition. L'Aigle étend ses ailes horizontalement en travers de l'ovale du tableau. Il tient un jeune adolescent blond et nu, voilé d'un tissu vieux rose. Gemälde von Christian Wilhelm Allers (1857-1915) Eros and Ganymede Alfred Sacheverell Coke (fl.1869-93) Ganymède enlevé par Jupiter ---------------------Скульптура--------- ======================================== Зевс похищает Ганимеда, раскрашенная терракота, поздняя архаика, пятый век до нашей эры, Олимпия Ganymede and Zeus (transformed into an eagle). Roman decorative artwork sculpted in marble between 160 and 170 AD. Ganymede raped by Zeus' eagle. A fragment of a relief from a late-roman ceiling, now in the Archaeological Museum in Milan, (Italy). Picture by Giovanni Dall'Orto Ganimede e Giove, copia romana di originale greco. Venezia, Museo archeologico. Foto Giovanni Dall'Orto. Jupiter_and_Ganymede Ganymede, Leochares Vatican CELLINI, Benvenuto Ganymede 1545-47 Bronze, height: 62 cm Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence Ganymede and the Eagle (Chatsworth sculpture): ================Неоклассика и поздние============== José Álvarez Cubero (1768–1827) Description English: Ganymede, sculpted in plaster in Paris in 1804. THORVALDSEN, Berthel Ganymede Waters Zeus as an Eagle 1817 Marble, height 93,5 cm Thorvaldsens Museum, Copenhagen Ganimede - Dalla Trautsohn Gasse , Vienna - foto Giovanni Dall'Orto 19 век --------------------Современные--------- Цюрих. -------------------Реклама-------------- Ad campaign featuring Ganymede bringing Bud to the Gods, based on a drawing by F. Kirchbach. The original Anheuser-Bush ad as it appeared in the February 1906 issue of Theatre Magazine. The slogan on the sign reads: "Modern Version of Ganymede" Introduction of Budweiser Beer to the Gods Notice the placement of the bottle strengthening Zeus and his "Beloved" cupbearer's original Mythos Homo-eroticism. =================Еще Зевс-Юпитер и орел====================== Raphael's depiction of the vision of Ezekiel --------------Jupiter and Semele-------- Attributed to Niccolò dell'Abbate 1527-1571 Jupiter embracing Semele, both astride an eagle Brush drawing in grey-brown wash, heightened with white (partly oxidised), on buff paper Description Jupiter and Semele seated on the clouds; holding hands and looking at each other, the eagle at r Pen and brown ink, with olive-green wash, heightened with white (partly oxidised), on pale olive-green paper, with traces of black chalk squaring Леда и Лебедь(Зевс)-здесь Leda and the swan (Zeus )-here http://marinni.livejournal.com/390156.ht ======================================== http://www.artcyclopedia.com/ http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Ganym http://www.1st-art-gallery.com/ http://www.britishmuseum.org/ http://afewshotstoshaman.blogspot.com/2 http://www.library.georgetown.edu/d http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%93%D http://www.simbolarium.ru/simbolarium/s |