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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2010-07-09 14:37:00

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Жадность, скупость и "демон денег". Гравюры.

Жадность, скупость и "демон денег".

Greed, avarice, covetousness- жадность, скупость

Theodor de Bry
A band with scenes of avarice: a man sitting on moneybags is tormented by a devilish creature; a beggar is turned away from a rich man's table; a pawnbroker's shop doing brisk business; plate is half of a circle (lunette)

===============Capital Sins / Avaritia=========================

Hans Burgkmair the Elder
1510 (circa)

Print made by Léon Davent
After Luca Penni

Print made by Léon Davent
After Luca Penni
Part of a plate representing Avarice: large oval scene representing a procession of clerics, noble men and peasants bowing before Mammon wearing a richly embroidered mantle and sitting among treasures. c.1547


Master of the Die
After Baldassare Peruzzi
Envy (or Avarice) at the right being driven from the temple of the Muses by Hercules who raises a club in his right hand while the Muses look on; a copy after the woodcut by Ugo da Carpi after Peruzzi (B.XII.133.12). c.1530

Jacob de Gheyn II
Avarice, whole-length, holding a sceptre and chains in one hand and moneybags in the other besides a chest full of coins

Print made by Pieter Jalhea Furnius
Avarice and Liberality. Allegorical scene with personification of Liberality seated on a rock at centre and taking coins from her purse to give to a young man kneeling at left, her feet resting on personification of Avarice lying on the floor.

Avaritia/ Luxuria (Avarice and Covetousness)
Print made by Jakob von der Heyden
A half-human, half-frog creature on left carrying a large structure on his back, a twig replacing his right arm; on right a half-human, half-donkey figure sawing a heart (?) as if playing a fiddle, landscape background. Second of a series of four engravings of the Vices.

Print made by Monogrammist SK
Female personification of Avarice, seated holding a bag of money in her left hand, a frog is at the bottom right

After Hendrik Goltzius
Print made by Jacob Matham

Print made by Jacques Callot

by Hans Ladenspelder
1540-1543 (circa)


1587 (c.)
Avarice. A female figure, whole-length, clutching a sack and with moneybags tied around her chest, accompanied by a large toad; first state before address; unsigned; after Goltzius

by George Glover

Philips Galle
After Hendrik Goltzius
Avarice is the Root of all Evil. Allegorical scene with Cupid at right

Hendrik Goltzius
Avarice is the root of all evil; Cupid, with a bag over his head, is followed by five allegorical figures, including "Testamenta", "Lis" (with a wolf's head, hooked hands, hell-mouth body and screw legs), "Opinio" and at the rear "Meum" and "Tuum"

Edmé Jeaurat
After Sébastien Leclerc II
Plate 3, Avarice: Atalanta stopping to pick the golden apples up, while Hippomenes keeps running. 1713

===================covetousness ===================

Lucas Vorsterman I

=====================Демон денег==========================

Satire on the Arminians: monstrous figure with 'Warminian' on his chest, 5 heads, labelled Avarice, Stupidity, Fraud, Sedition, and Misunderstanding, 4 arms and 4 legs, 2 of them devil's appendages, the sword of Justice broken at his feet. 1618

Аллегория жадности и демон денег
Jean Delaune
Allegory on covetousness

Print made by Heinrich Aldegrever
Смерть богача, дьявол у кровати.
The Parable of Dives and Lazarus
Plate 3: The Rich Man on his deathbed; with his family gathered at right and a devil carrying off money and goblets from a chest at left; at far right view of a street with a coffin carried in a funeral procession; from a series of five engravings. 1554

Federico Zuccaro
The punishment of the Avaricious, study for Florence Cathedral; naked men and women descending into hell, being tortured by demonic figures, including a man pinned down with a pitchfork, and a woman with a money-bag tied around her neck

Print made by Jan Collaert II
Christ and the apostles gathered around a table; John asleep next to Christ; a demon claws the knee of Judas, who has a money-back tied behind his back; in the foreground, a jug and a basin; the whole set within an ornamental frame

figure of Christ in the clouds, a ray of light reaching Taylor lettered, "Ad te quacunque vocas dulcissime Jesu" (To you, wheresover, speaks the most sweet Jesus"); lower right, a devil emerges from the mouth of hell holding a candle and offering a bag of money to Taylor. 1651

Richard Gaywood


The devil, as a man with horns, bat's wings, and goat's legs, stands surrounded by flames.




Joshua Kirby Baldrey

The wicked statesman, or the traitor to his country, at the hour of death

John Baker
1819 (?) A lawyer, holding a brief-bag, rides back to back with a grinning skeleton, Death, who holds a scythe and a bone and points to a grotesque demon seated among flames

John Bull and his family taking leave of the income tax
Print made by Piercy Roberts

Non identifié. "Le Grand Diable d'Argent, patron de la finance" (1798).

Shakespeare sacrificed; -or- the offering to avarice

Print made by James Gillray


The cutter cut up, or, the monster at full length
Print made by William Dent 1790

Associated with Philip Thicknesse
Thicknesse stands full face, a rope round his neck, nude except for short breeches. He frowns,person is covered with defamatory inscriptions.
demon of money

Еще по теме:

Семь смертных грехов-The Seven Deadly Sins-HERE-ТУТ


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2010-07-09 12:10 (ссылка)

Две последние английские - роскошные совершенно. Остальные просто интереснейшие. Забавно наблюдать аллегории, смыслы и нравоучения вкладываемые в "материальное".

Восседающий Маммона и полклоняющиеся ему сильные мира сего - захватывающее зрелище.

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2010-07-09 12:46 (ссылка)
Как раз две последние не совсем по теме, но они настолько хороши, что я не удержалась и выложила:)
Тема очень интересная, поищу еще.

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