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Сimon and Pero (Roman Charity)-Римская Благотворительность Сimon and Pero (Roman Charity)-Римская БлаготворительностьPrint made by Barthel Beham.1525 История эта происходит от римского писателя Валерия Максима. Он рассказывает, как дочь кормила грудным молоком свою мать в тюрьме, и вскользь упоминает одной фразой об аналогичном случае с отцом. В 1362 история была пересказана Джованни Боккаччо . Полторы тысячи лет спустя Боккаччо пересказывает только первую историю (мать-дочь), и не упоминает сюжет отец-дочь совсем. Perino del Vaga (1501 - 1547) - Also known as Pietro Buonaccorsi.Studied under Raphael and Ridolfo Ghirlandaio Что интересно -тем не менее все рисунки и картины показывают только сюжет "отец-дочь": пожилой человек в тюрьме, ему не дают никакой пищи, но тюремщик позволил дочери с ним встретиться. Он более интересен для множества художников, его повторяют и повторяют в больших количествах известнейшие мастера, с 16-го по 18 век. Affresco romano - Pompei - micon e pero ---------------------------------------- Roman Charity c. 1540-1550 =====================Графика============ ---------------------------------------- After Barthel Beham (biographical details | all objects) Print made by Sebald Beham 1544 Sebald Beham 1518-1530 Cimon and Pero; a roundel with Cimon kneeling at left, suckled by Pero at right; the medallion flanked by two Tritons among acanthus leaves and against a cross-hatched background. Sebald Beham Cimon and Pero, 1540 Woodner Collection Sebald Beham 1544 Barthel Beham 1525 Formerly attributed to Virgil Solis Date 1530-1580 After Sebald Beham Print made by Monogrammist RB Date 1530-1550 (circa) Cimon and Pero; reverse copy of Sebald Beham's roundel (Pauli 77); outside the round frame four grotesque putti. ---------------------------------------- Print made by Georges Reverdy After Rosso Fiorentino 1542 Anonymous (all objects) Attributed to Jan Gossaert 1530-1541 (c.) Manner/Style of Jost Amman Formerly attributed to Henry Fuseli Date 1554-1591 ---------------------------------------- Print made by Francesco Cozza Date 1630-1680 Print made by Willem Panneels After Peter Paul Rubens 1631 After Noël Nicolas Coypel Print made by Jacques Philippe Le Bas Date 1735 (circa Drawn by Adriaen van der Werff 1674-1722 After Peter Paul Rubens Print made by Alexander Voet II 1650-1690 Print made by Louis Boullogne Date 1625-1674 After Gregorio Lazarini Print made by Pietro Peiroleri Date 1675-1730 Eberhard Siegfried Henne After Christian Bernhard Rode Date 1784 Quirin Mark After Baronin von Pelisky 1770-1800 (circa) After Guido Reni Print made by John Saunders Date 1799 Print made by Bernard Picart After Rembrandt 1724-1733 (circa) Michele Benedetti After Carlo Cignani 1792 =======================Живопись========= ---------------------------------------- Roman charity: Cimon, prisoner, is fed by his daughter Pero, painting by Georg Pencz, 1541. Roman charity: Cimon, prisoner, is fed by his daughter Pero, painting by Georg Pencz ----------------------- Roman Charity" by Peter Paul Rubens 1612 (daughter breastfeeding her father in prison) Simon and Pero (Roman Charity) - 1625, Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) ------------------------ Charles Mellin ca. 1597(1597) 1649(1649) Title Roman Charity (La Charité romaine) Cimon and Pero (Roman Charity) Dirck van Baburen (1595 - 1624) - Also know as Teodoer van Baburen Dutch Baroque Era Painter Verspronck Johannes Cornelisz layer & technique: oil on canvas Nuvolone Carlo Francesco Italian painter, Lombard school (1609 - 1662) Meyvogel Caritas_Romana Roman Charity (Cimon and Pero), c.1690-1700 Carlo Cignani Jean-Baptiste Greuze Cimon and Pero: "Roman Charity" ca. 1770 oil on canvas Jacques-Louis David (1748 – 1825) a highly influential French painter in the Neoclassical style Mei, Bernardino - Caritas romana - 17th century Anonymous Jean-Jacques Lagrenée (1739-1821) French Painter Roman Charity by Bachelier Presented at the Paris Salon of 1765 ================================== Factory of Chelsea Porcelain Factory Modelled by Joseph Willems Factory in Chelsea Figure group on shaped rococo stand; soft-paste porcelain; painted in colours, the stand decorated in dark blue with gilt flowers and enrichments; subject,: 'Roman Charity'. =============================== ======================Сюжеты "Charity"======================== ---------------------------------------- Их тоже очень много, в основном- это женщина, кормящая нескольких детей: lucas-the-elder-cranach Bouguereau Charity_(1878) In about AD 1362 the story was retold by the famous writer Giovanni Boccaccio . [ 18 ] After Boccaccio, hundreds or possibly thousands of paintings were created, which tell the story. The second father-daughter story in fact consists of one sentence only. . Fifteen hundred years later Boccaccio retells the (first) mother-daughter story only and does not mention the father-daughter story. Nevertheless nearly all "caritas romana" oil paintings and drawings show the father-daughter story only. This fact changes the supposedly original background into an erotic direction and we can very clearly see the (erotic) fascination of the adult suckling situation for the artists, who created all the paintings. Primarily, the story tells of a conflict. An existing taboo (implied incest and adult breastfeeding of a woman's milk) or saving a life by breaking the taboo. In this aspect there is no erotic focus to the story. Valerius Maximus tells of a certain Cimon, an aged man, who was in prison awaiting execution and who was therefore given no food. .The jailer allowed Cimon's daughter Pero to visit him. She nourished him by giving him her breast. Она воспитала его, давая ему грудь. The scene is a prison cell; the white-haired prisoner, manacled, reclines in the lap of a young woman who is suckling him. A jailer peers through a barred window. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erotic_lac http://elagua2.multiply.com/journal/ite http://www.britishmuseum.org/r http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Char http://www.artchive.com/web_gallery/G/G http://kallery.net/index.php?g_clss=for http://www.flickr.com/photos/distan/414 http://www.lib-art.com/paints/thecharit http://www.google.ru/images?q=Cymon+a |