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Император Максимилиан I (1459-1519)- триумфальная арка и шествия. Часть 1. Триумфальная арка и шествия Императора Максимилиана I(1517) Часть 1.Правитель со своей свитой вступал официально в один из городов своего королевства с церемониями почтения. Императорское торжественное вступление берет свое начало в римской, византийской и средневековой традиции. триумфальная арка, были его характеристиками были роскошные шествия и триумфальные арки. Император Максимилиан I (1459-1519, избран императором в 1508) есть два цикла гравюр: Дюрера в 1515 году, и серия из 136 гравюр Burgkmair, Альтдорфера, Дюрера и других, которые представляют собой триумфальное шествие 1517 году. Print made by Albrecht Dürer Date 1518 Portrait of Emperor Maximilian I, bust, facing three-quarter r, wearing the collar of the Golden Fleece over a brocaded mantle, and a fur-trimmed hat with an oval medallion of the Virgin and Child attached to the brim. 1518 Print made by Lucas van Leyden 1520 Emperor Maximilian I; half-length portrait of Maximilian I facing slightly to the left, face in three-quarter view c.1510 Etching and engraving Drawn by Jörg Breu II 1540-1547 (circa) Portrait of the Emperor Maximilian I ----------Historical subjects from the Triumphal Arch-------- Printed by Hieronymous Andreae Print made by Albrecht Dürer Woodcut of the complete series of twenty-one historical subjects; the betrothal of Philip and Joanna, with Maximilian standing on the left with the Imperial shield at his feet. 1515 ---------------------------- Print made by Albrecht Dürer 1522 First edition of the Great Triumphal Car, in a chariot Emperor Maximilian, wearing the imperial robes and the crown of the Holy Roman Empire -------------------The Triumphal Arch--------------- ======================================== Print made by Albrecht Altdorfer Printed by Hieronymous Andreae Print made by Albrecht Dürer After Jorg Kölderer Print made by Wolf Traut 1515 First edition of the Triumphal Arch, printed from 192 blocks, with various scenes glorifying the house of Habsburg and Maximilian's own achievements, the Arch is divided in seven parts: the three gates of Honour, Praise, and Nobility; the central tower; the historical events of Maximilian's reign over the side gates; the busts of emperors and kings on the left the Emperor's kinsmen on the right; the round towers at either end; panels of text under each scene and five columns of text underneath; the word 'Halt' is gilt. 1515 ------------------------------- An album containing a late edition of the Triumphal Arch, which was first printed in 1517, from 192 blocks; here printed on folio sheets from the original blocks and 18 substitute etchings by Bartsch in groups numbered 1 to 53, and letterpress text. 1799 ============Triumph of Maximilian I (16th c)=================== ---------------------------------------- the series of 136 woodcuts by Burgkmair, Altdorfer, Dürer and others which constitute the Triumphal Procession of 1517 Эта серия не была закончена, и цвет добавили позже. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------------------- Woodblock panel images from an extensive celebratory series known as the Triumph of Maximilian I, designed by Hans Burgkmair and featuring Albrecht Dürer among the many artists involved. The unfinished suite of 137 woodblocks - belonging to the festival book genre - was conceived as a glorifying tribute to Emperor Maximilian, who died in 1519 before the final eighty or so illustrations had been produced. The hand-colouring was added to the suite of prints in 1765. Thanks to: http://bibliodyssey.blogspot.com/2010/0 Полностью здесь: http://www-classic.uni-graz.at/ubwww/so --------------------------- Еще по теме: Albrecht Dürer.Лошади, всадники, собаки-ТУТ ШЕСТВИЯ И ПРОЦЕССИИ-ТУТ Грифоны-ТУТ =============================== "The [Holy Roman] Empire comprised a collection of diverse territories of varying size, importance and religious adherence, each ruled over by its own territorial overlord, who in turn owed allegiance to an elected Emperor. In its basic form, the entry was ceremonial in character, an event in which the ruler with his retinue entered officially into one of the cities of his realm and was received by the dignitaries of that city with a standard set of ceremonies of obeisance or of feudal contract. The imperial entry had its origins in Roman, Byzantine and medieval ceremonial. Ancient ceremonial combined with classicising impermanent architecture, above all the triumphal arch, were its characteristics. The Emperor Maximilian I (1459-1519, elected Emperor in 1508) commissioned two works of art which exerted a considerable influence on court festivals generally in the Empire: the set of 192 woodcuts commissioned from Dürer in 1515 which together make up the Triumphal Arch and the series of 136 woodcuts by Burgkmair, Altdorfer, Dürer and others which constitute the Triumphal Procession of 1517." ======================= http://bibliodyssey.blogspot.com/2010/0 http://www.bl.uk/treasures/festivalbook http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Entr http://trionfi.com/0/t/ |