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Пишет Best Linear Unbiased Predictor ([info]measure_01)
@ 2011-07-26 22:16:00

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I have a friend at MIT grad school who took algebraic geometry and told me it was the hardest class he took. He told me about a grad student at MIT who tried to do his phD thesis on algebraic geometry. After years of trying he switch to combinatorics. Then after he graduate he now work in the industry and not in academia.
I just came back from a math conference about combinatorics. The last speaker talked about local and global rigidity of framework graphs. I did not understand most of the talk but I believe it has to do with algebraic geometry. Usually after a talk there is usually at least 1 question asked but after this one everyone was quiet.
I've heard many a grad student complain that algebraic geometry is the hardest subject to learn, at the very least. Theres a lot of different topics you need to have mastered before you can begin doing real work, and mastering one of those topics relies on you mastering all the others.
I have a friend taking an intro class in algebraic gemoetry right now. Sounds like it's a total pain...and makes me not want to take it.
Ужасы какие. Makes me not want to study it.

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2011-07-27 21:14 (ссылка)
Периодически попадаются в англоязычных форумах такие темы относительно практически любой дисциплины. Такое ощущение, что это хобби такое плакать по поводу сложности учебы, и особенно прикрываться "друзьями с МIT"
