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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-01-08 13:27:00

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Настроение: contemplative

The main problem of GNU/Linux
>напомни, за что ты не любишь Линукс?

Here are ten ways in which GNU/Linux or open-source technologies, in general, could potentially be utilized by a totalitarian government:

Control and Surveillance: A totalitarian government could leverage open-source technologies to develop customized monitoring and surveillance tools, allowing for widespread control and surveillance of its citizens.

Censorship: Open-source software can be manipulated to create censorship tools that restrict access to specific content, control information flow, and limit communication among citizens.

Propaganda Distribution: By utilizing open-source platforms, a government could create and distribute propaganda materials more efficiently, influencing public opinion and shaping narratives.

Cyber Warfare: Governments could exploit open-source vulnerabilities to engage in cyber warfare, launching attacks on internal or external targets to further their agenda.

Identity Tracking: Open-source technologies could be used to develop sophisticated identity tracking systems, enabling the government to monitor citizens' online activities, transactions, and movements.

Centralized Control: Governments may adopt open-source solutions to centralize control over critical infrastructure, such as communication networks and power grids, making it easier to manipulate and manage.

Suppression of Dissent: Open-source technologies can be employed to identify and suppress dissenting voices, enabling the government to monitor and neutralize opposition groups.

Internet Shutdowns: Open-source software can be used to implement and manage nationwide internet shutdowns, limiting citizens' access to information and communication during critical periods.

Manipulation of Information: Open-source tools can be adapted to manipulate digital information, creating a distorted reality that aligns with the government's narrative.

Espionage and Intelligence Gathering: Governments could use open-source tools to conduct espionage and gather intelligence on both domestic and international targets, enhancing their ability to control information and suppress potential threats.

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