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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-02-05 13:57:00

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Музыка:Emperor of the Fading Suns Soundtrack
Entry tags:russia, transitioning, ukraine, ww3

VJLink (Кирилл Зырянов), a conservative transphobic gay man, was one of the people responsible for bullying Antonina Babkina to suicide. He and other trolls kept stalking her online even after she left Russia, where they physically abused her.

Now VJLink found new victims in face of poor Thailand ladyboys, whom he hooks on illicit drugs. Typical gaybro. One of the reasons I believe in LGBT without G.

TLDR: hooking underage thai trans girls on drugs and pimping them is not okay.

(Добавить комментарий)

2024-02-05 14:15 (ссылка)
от жеж ты бездельник и долбоеб


2024-02-05 17:19 (ссылка)
do you think I care about subhumans?


2024-02-05 18:41 (ссылка)
Nancy, we hope you're dead and it's just some fs/b/tard who killed you just hijacked your account and is clumsily impersonating you now.
