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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-02-16 20:03:00

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Entry tags:transitioning

AI and transgenders
Since other trans rejected and bullied me due to my mental problems, I wish they all will lose their jobs to AI and get the same treatment as their friends from HAMAS. LGBTQH+ are truly no better than the right-wingers, Putin or Joanna Rowling. Same gatekeeping, same ordering people around, just with Muhammad instead of Hitler. No Putin or Jew ever beaten, harmed or insulted me, but LGBTQH+ people did on multiple occasions without any reason other than me being low pass mental transsexual.

Regarding Zavalny's death: shame Antonina haven't lived long enough to celebrate it, she hated both Navalny and Svetov nazis. They are far more evil and deceptive than Putin and his clique.

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2024-02-17 05:02 (ссылка)
>...HAMAS. LGBTQH+ are truly no better than the right-wingers, Putin or Joanna Rowling. Same gatekeeping, same ordering people around, just with Muhammad instead of Hitler. No Putin or Jew...

Go outside, touch some grass and hug a tree.


2024-02-17 17:37 (ссылка)
This is not Sadkov.


2024-02-18 15:56 (ссылка)
AI models cannot create new things, so only the low-level compilators will be driven out of workforce by it.


2024-09-20 04:28 (ссылка)
I appreciate the inclusivity of What Beats Rock . Every player’s answer is valued, and it creates a welcoming environment. The game promotes a sense of community and togetherness, making it enjoyable for everyone involved.
