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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-02-21 15:21:00

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Entry tags:transitioning

A Freak Can Never Accept Other's Beauty
As a trans woman, I can't fairly compete with the beauty of the cis women, and I'm naturally jealous of it. That incentivizes me to leverage any tool to push the competing cis women out of any space of importance. That is a rational behavior, because in the end your attractiveness translates into material benefits. And cis women try doing the same, invading trans dating spaces, like Grindr, in hopes of intercepting our admirers/chasers. I can say the same about the so called incel men, whose physical and mental state precludes them from fair competition with the normal men, both in work force and at dating spaces, so it makes sense for them to cooperate against the talented men. Same way, unattractive women are incentivized to attack the attractive ones.

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2024-02-21 16:24 (ссылка)
A reminder that this is not Nancy Sadkov.
Nancy Sadkov would never say "trans woman" about herself.
The real Nancy was a real woman, а lady.
She disappeared without a trace shortly after Antonina Babkina's "suicide" by russian FSB-gaybros.


2024-02-21 18:25 (ссылка)
сплошное нытье и жалобы
